Chapter 15

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My reflection stared back at me as I tightened my tie. I was wearing a black tuxedo with a white button up and a dark purple tie. My heart beat quickly in my chest as I thought about what I was about to do.

Propose to the absolute love of my life.

God, that thought hasn't left my mind since it found its' way in there. The sky-colored feather lay in my chest pocket, hidden from view. I had told Chelsea that we should go on a late night picnic tonight. She had no idea that i was going to propose to her under the stars.
I mean, then again, nobody really knows when you're going to propose to them anyways.

"Hey Den, you almost ready?" Chelsea called from the living room.

'As ready as I'll ever be,' I thought hesitantly.

"Yeah, Chels! Be out in a minute!" I looked at myself one last time before breathing in deeply and straightening my posture.

This was it.


Chelsea and I walked together down to the beach. It was pretty late out, the stars dotted the sky like a DaVinci painting and the moon caressed the sky with its' beautiful glow. It was absolutely beautiful tonight, but as cheesy as it is to say this, it sure as hell wasn't as beautiful as her tonight.

She was wearing a strapless burgundy dress that went down to about her knees. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and curled. She had a little bit of makeup on, even if she did look beautiful without it. I couldn't stop thinking about her and how beautiful she was. I also couldn't stop thinking about the day that I get to call her my wife.

I was carrying a basket of food and such, as is needed for a picnic. In my other arm was a blanket and Chelsea's hand. Her hands were soft as always, mine were always decorated with calluses and blisters. And yet, she held my hand anyways.

The moonlight lit the dirt walkway beautifully. The gravel was perfectly detailed by the dim white light. I tried to control my breathing, I could tell I was breathing quite heavily, but Chelsea didn't seem to notice.

We soon arrived at the beach and it was absolutely perfect out. It had been like the day I had sat with Chelsea on the shore and watched the stars, it was nice. We walked over to where it was just far enough so that the water wouldn't hit us, but close enough where we could hear all the features and details of the ocean. I set down a blanket that I had brought and set the basket down in the middle of it. She sat down first, and I followed directly after her. We didn't know what quite to say at first, I must admit that it was sort-of awkward.

I mean, when you are planning something so significant without somebody knowing and they are right beside you, it's pretty hard. Especially when you love telling that person every single detail about what you're thinking about or what you did that day.

"It's real pretty out tonight," I managed to almost croak out.
She looked at me, smiled, and nodded.

Well, if the atmosphere wasn't already abnormally stiff...

Eventually, we pulled out the food that we had brought and just ate while looking at the sea and the stars and everything beautiful about the world. I had only made some simple ham sandwiches and packed a couple bags of chips, but it was nice anyhow.

My phone vibrated in my suit pocket. Chelsea was distracted by eating and such, so I pulled my phone out and checked the message. It was from Vaughn.

Hey. You ready?

As ready as I'll ever be, I guess

I slid my phone back into my pocket and looked over at Chelsea, she had just finished her food and was patting her mouth with a napkin. She was always so neat with whatever she did, it was amusing.

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