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James had kindly offered Sirius his Invisibility Cloak to avoid detection, then walked off to try(fail) to seduce Evans. Peter, too, had commenced his seductory* assault on poor Marlene McKinnon. It seemed like Sirius' success had inspired them to new heights.

So they didn't notice Sirius' quiet footsteps as he came back- significantly earlier than he should have. Under the Cloak he managed to get up to the dormitory unquestioned and then he burst into the room, flinging off the Cloak.

Remus was sitting on his bed, reading. He looked up to give Sirius a dead-eyed stare. ""Had fun, then, Sirius?" he asked flatly. Sirius stared back, breathless.

Then he collapsed on the floor and did something he had never done even when his harridan of a mother or tyrant of a father decided to beat his failings out of him- he started to cry. In a flash, Remus was at his side, putting his arms around Sirius and just holding him as he sobbed, the tension slowly dissipating. Sirius began to babble- "Moony, Moony, Remus, Moony, I'm sorry, I couldn't do it, I couldn't, I love you, I'm sorry, Moony, I'm sorry, I love you, I couldn't do it, I'm sorry, Moony..."

When at last he finished blubbering, Remus' arms were still around him. He wiped his tears and looked up at Remus for the first time since coming into the room.

Remus looked...strange. A mixture of disbelief and joy and a little bit of sorrow flickered across his face, and he asked, "Did you- did you just say that you LOVE me?!" Sirius' hands tightened where they were clenched around Remus' wrists. Remus seemed to take that as an answer.

Remus began to smile. "Oh, Sirius, what'll we do with you?"

Sirius kissed the smile off his face.


* this is not a word, really, but it fits. xD

(This was supposed to be a 5+1 fic but for some reason it became 6+1.)

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Six times Sirius refused to acknowledge his love for Remus and One time he didWhere stories live. Discover now