I will lay you down so you may cry
On the night before you die
I will come to take you away
You will be dead the very next day
They will kill me or so they say
For taking you away
So away we fled
I pretended you were dead
Black is the hatred in my soul
The fire is burning a deep, dark hole
The clouds in the sky are darker that the night
The moon is so bright it gives off a deadly light
You layed me down so I could cry
On the night before I should die
I felt the burn go through my blood
Because you bit me, it felt so good
The fire burned higher into the night
I let out a scream, it was filled with fright
I saw you run, I know you bleed
On the night I became part of the living dead
I had layed you down to cry
On the night before you die
Then tomarrow I will say
Goodbye forever to those who wanted to make me stay