My Chinen Yuri

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Title My Chinen Yuri

Written by: cielchii 

Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke♥Chinen Yuri (LOL XD I feel like making their pair name whole haha)

Genre: romance, fluff

Rating: G

Summary: It is 'his' dear Chinen Yuri's special 20th birthday. What will be his gift for his loved one?

NOTE: Yey! I finally able to write a birthday fic for Chii !!! ohohoho gomen for it coz its kinda rush ne?


I posted this on LJ after his birthday, but then here.. its super late XD hehehe


Today is my special someone's day. It's my Chinen Yuri's birthday. The one that I loved the most in this whole wide world.

Yes. The Chinen Yuri whose voice is so cute and high pitched when we were still young ( I still love my Yuri's voice ), the Chinen Yuri who loves to sit on people's lap espespecially JUMP, the Chinen Yuri whose eyes are always sparkling beautifully, the Chinen Yuri who excels in school academically, the Chinen Yuri who is dances gracefully, the Chinen Yuri who is amazing in his treasured talent acrobats and lastly the Chinen Yuri who smiles lighten up my whole world.

That's my beloved Chinen Yuri… I am happy that I decided to confess my feelings to him in our 2011 Wintercon. The fans think that it's all just a 'fanservice' but no. After that, we started going out and until now we're getting stronger. I've been in love with him ever since the first I laid my eyes on him. That is how much I'm head over heels in love with him.

I put back the small red velvet box that I'm holding my pocket when I heard a knock on the dressing room's door. I smiled seeing a small head peeping thru the door. He gave that smile that I love and I patted my lap for him to sit. He sat on my lap, facing his back on me, I leaned on the back of the sofa to make us both more comfortable while I put my arms around his tiny waist. He put his head on my left shoulder while I sniffed his hair

"Ryo-chan~" he singsang cutely.

"Hmm?" I answered still sniffing his sweet scent that I'm addicted to. "Glad that you're here now." he nods and closed his eyes.

"Unn. I'm happy that the taping finished early than I thought. They surprised me there! And then I go here immediately coz I know we still have some photoshoots. Demo, how can we spend my birthday if this day is full pack." he pouted cutely and I pinched his pouting lips, he whines and I laugh at his cuteness.

"Daijoubu~" I said then I took the small red velvet box in my pocket and hand it to him. His eyes widened and looked at me questionably.

"Rㅡ Ryo-chan, what's this? he asked when he saw what's inside the box.

"A ring?" I stated like obviously. I earned a whack from him and hugged him tighter.

"Mou~! I know you baka Buta!"

"Hahaha. Well, that's my birthday gift ne. A couple ring... more like engagement ring. If you'll accept my proposal." I said to him putting my chin on his shoulder. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I wanna grow old together with you my Yuri. Together forever." I saw tears trailing on his rosy cheeks. He faced me then cupped my cheeks with his small warm hands.

"Of course my Ryosuke, I will and I want to." I kissed his plump pink lips that lasted for minutes. He buried his face in the crook of my neck while I patted his back because he is still crying. Yuri is really a crybaby when it comes to me and him. I put the ring on his ring finger while I do mind as well. I intertwined our fingers together while I kissed his hand.

"See, even if we don't have time to go out at least were always together."

"This is the best birthday gift ever Ryo-chan."

"Unn. I love you so so so so much my Yuri. You are best thing that come to my life."

"I love you too Ryo-chan~"

I am the happiest and luckiest person in the world for having him in my life. I am really greatful that Chinen Yuri belongs to me and forever mine.



Finally >_< I am so stupid coz again, I accidentally delete the first one that I wrote.

The first one is much much waaaaay better than this  ̄ω ̄ I am so sorry

So, this is my birthday fiction for JUMP's kawaii risu !!!

Tho its a bit late haha.!

tell me what u think?^^

feel free to read and crticized.

comments are ♥♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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