Chapter 5: Apostatized

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Ayo what's up my homies? Shit's heating up amiright? Okay i'm gonna shut the fuck up and let you read. Enjoy!



Jacey followed Bruce out of the Batmobile, after their early ended patrol, an emotional wreck.

"Jace, we need to talk." Bruce sighed and gestured for her to sit on the computer chair. Jacey had been dreading this the whole night.

"I understand that you can't control your anger, and I understand what you've-"

"No you don't, B. I do understand what you have lost, and now that I've experienced it, I could never wish that upon anyone else, but you will never understand what it's like to lose your other half, your twin brother. Jay was the only person who actually understood me, because everything we went through, it was together." Jacey sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"Okay. You're right. But you have to remember that we have a code. You killed three men, Jacey. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I cannot let you continue as Robin now that you've broken that rule." Bruce removed his cowl. "I'm sorry."

Jacey felt her heart climb into her throat. "But-"

"I'm not telling you that you can't fight crime, I'm just telling you that I can't have you as my partner anymore. God knows how much I want you to be. The Titans have a few openings."

"You know I won't fit in there, i'm a freak with anger issues. I was even before Jason died. Everyone on that team is the opposite." Jacey mumbled.

"Just know that I still love you and you're still welcome to live with me." Bruce finished and stood with her, pulling her into a hug. Jacey cried into his chest while he carried her to her room.


Jacey brushed her hair out of her eyes as she worked. She had been up all night finishing the new costume model she had been making, however making what was just a blue catsuit originally supposed to be a Batgirl model into a much different design.

(Behold Jacey's poorly drawn uniform!)

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(Behold Jacey's poorly drawn uniform!)

Jacey grabbed her finished cape and paused. She grabbed some scissors and cut out the robin logo from one of Jason's old suits hanging on a rack nearby. Plopping herself back down in the chair, she sewed it to the inside center of the cape. She then zipped the cape on to her uniform and stood.

Grabbing her packed duffel bag and drawing her hood up, she snuck into the thankfully uninhabited cave and made a break for her equipment.

She picked up her grapple and a spare, her case of wingdings, her knife collection, sword, smoke bombs, and loaded most of it into her belt, and the rest into her bag, gluing on her red domino-she'd have to ask Alfred to make her some blue ones later-on her way out of the cave through the ramp exit.

She planned to leave the Manor and continue fighting in Jason's name. She only hoped her one option would actually help.

The young vigilante was halfway up the fence when the security system went off and it zapped her. Jacey yelped as she hit the ground. She struggled to stand, only to find the towering mass that was Bruce in front of her.

"Nice suit. Little redundant. What do you think you're doing?" His were arms were crossed, and it was obvious that he knew. He just wanted to hear her say it.

"Leaving. I can't stop fighting, I will one day avenge my brother. I hope you find a better Robin one day."

"No, you won't avenge him. What have I been teaching you for years?"

"Justice, not vengeance."

"Exactly. Honour Jason. Don't avenge him. Why did you feel the need to sneak away?" He asked

"So I wouldn't have to have this conversation." Jacey sighed and stood. "I'm going to Blüdhaven."

"So he's your plan."

Jacey nodded. "Could be worse." She pointed out. Bruce's expression didn't change.

"Come here." He sighed.

Jacey accepted his hug again.

"Good luck, be safe. Call me and I'll bring the rest of your things if you make an arrangement." Bruce said and let her go.

"Bye, B. I'll visit soon, too. Tell Alfie I said bye." Jacey said, blinking away tears behind her mask before firing a line and vaulting over the Manor gate.


Nightwing returned from patrol at about 6 in the morning. He grappled on to his balcony to find the dark figure of a female vigilante sitting on his chair, burning a cigarette.

"Hm. Tad unoriginal. Nice add with the cape." He started cautiously.

"I was inspired, not copying. Thanks." The figure replied. Nightwing recognized her voice after a moment.

"Ja-Robin? What are you doing here?"

"Bluejay now. I lost my job. Robin's death has me so fucked up and explosive that I can't channel my rage into anything less than taking a life. I killed three men. Joker goons. They were there... That night." She filled in, breathing out the smoke slowly.

Nightwing stepped down from his crouched position on the railing.

"And you're here because you don't want to stop fighting."

Bluejay nodded. "I can't. It's the only thing I know. Bats told me to join the Titans. But I think even you know I wouldn't fit in. You're my only choice for keeping this up."

Nightwing sighed and unlocked the door leading inside. "Come on in I guess."

Bluejay stood and followed him in, peeling off her domino and taking off her hood.

"So," Dick started. "I guess you'll be happy to know I wasn't kidding when I said I could use a partner."


"Yeah. The crime rate's through the roof. It's hard to patrol on my own."

"So you're not gonna send me back to Gotham?"

Dick shook his head. "Welcome to team Nightwing."

Jacey hugged him. "Thanks big bird."

"Anytime little wing." Dick said and hugged her back before leading her to the spare room.

"It's not much, but i'm sure it will do until Bruce calls and makes you go back to Gotham." Dick said and let her in. Jacey shook her head.

"Oh Bruce knows. He said to talk to you about it and if you're cool with me staying then he'll bring my stuff. Which of course it's totally up to you. If you want me out please say it and don't just be nice guy Grayson." She said and set her duffel bag down on the bed. Dick smiled.

"You know me too well. No I was serious. I need a partner. The only two people patrolling this place are me and my friend. So yeah you can stay."

"You're the best, Dicky." Jacey cracked a small smile, which was all she could muster anymore, and hugged him again."

"I know." Dick smirked and hugged her back. "Now get to bed, you. I can see how tired you are."


Heyhey! Stay tuned for Jacey's adaptation to Bludhaven next week!

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