Nina the Killer

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  Nina had a brother named Chris, her mother, and her father. It seemed perfect, with all their family will smiles on their faces and what seemed to be genuine happiness. But no. It was just a thin mask to cover up all the flaws. Nina tried to wash the flaws away, and love the perfection. But she had one flaw herself... Her addiction.

It was like smoking,drinking, anything that could reel you in to the dark. But Nina... she was a fan of a famous Creepypasta. Jeff the Killer. And by fan, I meant a fangirl. Dolls,puppets,posters,pictures,replicas,statues,,blankets,bed sheets and even clothes! She had them all. She even tried to recreate herself... as Nina "the killer".

The sun had just risen above the horizon, as aquamarine eyes fluttered open. Brown locks spread across the bedsheets as a hand reached up to touch her face. "Hm... Morning?" A gentle voice said. A girl rose up from her bed, her brown locks laying against her back. Her blue eyes could be compared to ice, but it seemed... Gentle. Teddy bears decorated her pajamas. "Okay.. another morning... Let's get ready then!" The girl was named Nina.

Nina got off her bed and pulled the , and walked into the bathroom. She pulled out a brush from one of the drawers, and started taming her messy hair. After a few minutes of doing that, she tied a scarlet red bow in her hair. Nina walked out of the bathroom, and spotted her little brother, Chris.

"Hey lil' Bro-" Nina said cheerfully, but was cut off once a pungent odor reached her nose. Drugs. She thought with disgust, as her brother ignored her warm greeting and walked into the bathroom, weed coming off of him. Nina's happy demeanor died down once she saw her brother like that, and she found alot of interest in her feet.

Stumbling down the stairs, Nina went to the living room. Her mother was an exact replica of Nina; brown hair and aquamarine eyes. One difference: her hair was cut short. She had jewelry all around her with a fancy dress and dapper . But one thing was wrong... In her limp hand, Nina's mother had a bottle of alcohol. Nina's eye went dead, like a deceased fish. Her small hands shook her mother.

Mom, please wake up.

A groan erupted from her mother as she turned away from her daughter. Nina walked away, too broken to persist. Her nimble feet went back upstairs, and her eyes spotted the smoke floating from the crack of her brothers door. Moans were heard from her parents door. Icy tears slipped from her eyes, and dripped onto the ground. Sniffles came from her mouth, as she stumbled towards her room.

Dad's with a slut, and your son's smoking cannabis

The wooden , then closed as Nina passed through the entry. The wallpaper seemed to glisten. For some reason, this seemed to retract Nina's memories.. of..

Don't let them see what goes on in the kitchen

Nina shook her head, and locked the door. The tears just kept coming. She stumbled towards a doll of Jeff the Killer. Her role model. She let out a bitter smile, but it fell as bangs came from her room.


Nina turned around, the tears finally stopping.

Do it.

Her drawer slid open, revealing a small blade. Bangs erupted from the wooden door, and wood splitting came. She held the blade by her handle, and let it dance to her lips. Then, craving it into her flesh, she drew a Chelsea smile. The voices made her ignore the pain, as Nina slowly readied her blade.

The door split open, revealing her brother, Chris, and his laboured breaths.

"NINA! You little bitch-! Wait... NINA!"

Nina sprinted at her brother, sinking the blade into his flesh. Blood spilled from his chest, as he twitched and looked down at his sister. An insane smile was carved in her face. A scream was going to tear itself out of his vocal chords, but was stopped by more stabs.

Shink, shook, SHINK!

Nina swiftly stabbed the knife in and out of his chest, splattering blood all over her pajamas. Blood was already dripping from her forever smile, showing it's worth. Gentle, but sharp words, uttered from her lips.

"Go to sleep, my Prince."


"At 7:54 AM, a huge fire engulfed the house of a family of: a mother, a father, a brother, and a teenager named Nina. Fortunately, we managed to record some footage of Nina before she ran off into the woods, which had a series of murders there." A woman said, holding a microphone in her tanned hand. A man paused, then spoke.
"Thank you Marion. Here is the footage our camera team has caught."

On the footage revealed Nina, holding a red can of gasoline. She was spraying it all over the perimeters of the house. She had a bright purple hoodie and a black miniskirt, with striped stockings and converse. After she had finished, she lit a lighter and threw it on the house, as it immediately lit on fire. Screams were released into the air as embers licked at the air. At the end, it revealed Nina, her skin pale and eyes wide open. But one thing.

Her cheeks were cut, connected to her lips, revealing a forever smile.


As per usual, this is a copypasta! Also, I may have BEN on my computer so... If I die... That's why...  And I plan to go see if I can find Jane. I'm bored okay?  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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