Chapter 12:)

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She came running and I told her to pull Lucas's leg.
She pulled one leg and I pulled the other one.
Lucas was screaming and laughing.
"Guys stopp playing! Its getting late! We have to go!" Screamed Neels.
"Go where?' I asked Lucas.
"Oh we're going to this party,Its like a you-tuber party...And we got invited like 5 days ago!" Lucas said giving me a sweet smile.
"Oh ok." I said.
"Yeah I'm sorry my cute little munchkin." Lucas said squeezing my cheeks.
"You are soooo cheesy! " I said removing his hands from my face.
"And you LOVE IT!" He said picking me up.
"OH MY GOD! Stopppppp!" I said gripping my arms around his neck.
We got in the car and drove home.
By the time we got home it was about 4:30.
I said bye to squad and went to my room.
George and the Rat, aka his future wife went out for dinner which left me alone in the house.
I hate being alone!
I'm such a loner.
The house is pretty big which scares me.
Idk why.
So i decided to take a walk or something.
I got my phone and money just in case i want something on the way.
I locked the door and started walking towards .....I don't know where.
I walked and walked, until i saw a ...park?
I think it is.
I sat down on the closest bench and inserted my head phones and started listening to music.
The park I was in didn't have a playground or anything. It was a calm place and I liked it.
No kids,no animals,no anything.
Except for the birds chirping on the trees.
"Nice day huh?" Said a voice.
My music had all the volume up.
Weird how I can hear anything.
"Huh?" I said taking my head-phones off and turning to face some chocolate brown eyes.
"Ha, I said nice day huh?" He said chuckling a little.
"Yeah! Its pretty calm around here." I said looking at a pond in front of us.
"Do you always come here?" He asked turning his attention to me.
BUT BOYY! Let meeee tellll youu!
HE IS HOT! Like nooo LIE.
His eyes are like one of the prettiest.
His long eyelashes.
His lips are like the color of a cherry.
And dont get me started with his hair.
(His pic in the media thingy!)
"Uh,no this is my first time here.What about you?" I asked him making eye-contact with dem eyes of his.
"Oooo! A million of times. Its like I grew here!" He said giving me a smile.
My stomach was doing some front flips now.
"Awe! Well,its pretty nice here!" I told him.
"Yeahh! Pretty lit!" He said.
"I guess.Why are you here?" I asked him.
Their was a long pause. Like if he was deciding to tell me or not.
"I had problems with a friend and well this place calms me down." He finally responded.
"Oh." Is all i said.
"Yeah,its a whatever. You wanna get ice cream? You sound like cool person to hang out with."He said.
"Yea sure,and trust me i am not! I am boring as hell!" I said making him chuckle.
This dude looks interesting,and cool,not me.
He is pretty nice,sweet,and attractive.
"You areee nottt borriiingggg!" He said.
"Haha,yeah okay! And Hey dude! You never told me your name!" I said walking with him to some ice cream place.
"Haha,Joel.My name is Joel." He said looking at me.
"What about yours?" He asked me.
"My name is Fluffy!" I said like a little kid.
"Cool name?" He said with confused face.
"Haha! Im jk,my name is Lidia!" I said chuckling.
"What a beautiful name!" He said making blush.
"Shut up you goof." I said lightly punching his arm.
"Ouch, no lie girl!" He said rubbing his arm.
"You are such a cry baby! Where is this ice cream place anyways?" I asked looking around.
"You never been here,have you?" He asked.
"Well,no duh!" I said playfully rolling my eyes.
"Ay,Fluffy! There's an ice cream place around the corner!" He said chuckling.
"Oh so now I'm fluffy?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Yes,you are fluffy." He said smiling at me.
"Whatever Joey! Stop dragging and hurry up!" I said pulling him by the arm.
I better stop trusting strangers.Or one day,I'll meet a rapist.And oh my goodness,that wouldn't end well.
We got to the ice cream place and I ordered a waffle cone with 2 scoops of mint and chocolate chip.
And for Joel he ordered some milk and chocolate waffle.
I was about to pay for my order when out of no where,Joel hands the cashier a twenty dollar bill.
"Joel,HOLY! Nooo! I was going to pay for my waffle!" I said making a mad face.
"Too bad! You gotta be faster girly!" He said with a grin on his face.
"Ugh,I'll pay next time." I said taking my delicious waffle cone from the cashier.
"Oooo! There's a next time?"He said giving me a smirk.
"I don't know.If i keep in contact with you than,I guess." I said taking a taste of my ice cream.
Holy its good.
"Let me see your phone." He asked.
"Uh-okay." I said taking my phone out my pocket.
I unlocked it and gave it to him.
I didn't know what ta hell he was doing.
I saw him get his phone out and dialogued a number.
Than,my phone started ringing.
"Okay,done!" He said handing my phone back.
"Goofy." Is all i said and started walking with him.

Hey! Sorry i didn't update yesterday:(
And Joel is a singer from a band named CNCO!
He is like my fav.
And Idk,i just decided to add him in here to start more drama,LOL
I'll try to update earlier:)
Like Monday or Tuesday.
Also the boys followed me on TWITTER!❤️
ALSO! Im editing the chapters because my grammar sucks:(
Insta~ lizbeth_dobre
Twitter~ lizbeth_dobre

1049 words🤘🏻

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