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So I'm not gonna be like every author and say school is getting in the way. It's not, my grades are fine and in have time for all of this. But I haven't been updating as usual and here are my reasons.


·Field hockey I play field hockey at school and no it's not a girl sport

·Band I play the trombone

·Newspaper club this one is kinda a reason. I might quite soon so idk

·Drama club I'm in drama so ya.

·International club eh. This one isn't really an interesting club or important. I might quite

But yea those are the reasons I haven't been updating a lot. Homework and stuff are easy but with all these clubs I'm doing and stuff it's hard. Cause I have meetings for those then I go to field hockey practice and when I get home I want to just sleep. So yea I might not be as active but I'll try my hardest to continue writing. Also I'm sick and when I'm with my parents they don't always let me online. Anywhore, that was basically it so bye

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