Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Damp, cold, and dark.

That is a typical forest night after it rains under cover of the darkness and the trees in my realm. But when you're simply a Forest Elf living in a large world full of so many other paranormal beings, it's hard to just stay out in the open. We are so small compared to the others. So many predators wish to tear the flesh from our bones because they have the ability to do so. We have lost so many over the years... Sometimes, it worries me that there could be a future where my people will no longer exist...and become extinct.

I'm not exactly sure about where we will go next, but I do know that if we don't find a place soon we will surely perish. And we, unfortunately, can't afford to linger anywhere for too long a time. We cannot take the chance of staying in temporart sites, for we have to keep moving or highly vulnerable and defenseless is what we risk becoming.

As the only Royal Blood among the Forest Elves, I have been charged with the duty of being the responsible one; the one who will lead my kind to safety. But more than the tasks of my leadership is weighing heavily on my mind; for, recently, I learned that one of my kind is a "Mole". A traitor. We lost some of the best warriors among us one day in an ambush...all because of this certain elf. I have been trying to apprehend the traitor, but with no such luck in the end. But how exactly am I supposed to spot the spy when I myself cannot seem to stay awake long enough after the excruciating hours of traveling?

However, I refuse to stop trying. Before our village was attacked, I was known as the princess, and the royalty of my kind are famous for never giving up. Though others may find it foolish stubbornness that flows through our veins, we find perseverance admirable. My father fought with all this determined power; he tried to earnestly stop the fire demons from taking over. My mother even displayed her own spark of defiance when the uprising occured; just before she passed early in the morning, she kept her words strong and true. She showed not the slightest fear of the death that was awaiting her, for she aimed to greet it with a challenging smile.

She had said to me, "Abrigail, take care of the village. Be strong for us and the spirit of our people will never die. Your father and I love you deeply, sweet heart. Always remember this...and that you will never be alone..."

She took her last breaths shortly after that, and I watched as the lights slowly began to drift from her eyes. I had to close them for her because they were still wide open; that is a detail I fear I will never forget for the rest of my life.

Now I am the only one holding all the hopes, the dreames, and the fears or ambitions of what's left of my people. This is a trust I fear I do not deserve... I am simply an elf that is still ignorant to what lies around me; I have only just started to learn the things required of me to become queen. I know not of anything besides the good and a fraction of the bad sides of the elements on our earth. Though, I've come to find out that humans do not make very good warriors, but they are smart. Their machinery would crush us in a millisecond..... Even though they have no knowledge of we element beings. They think it all happens naturally. They may be quite intelligent, but they are ignorantly oblivious.

Since we were attacked, I have been learning more and more. I have also been feeling more powerful. I know that I am able to make things grow because I have done that since i was just an infant. Every elf has the same power, but my parents told me when I was little that I would possess great power and I would have to use it one day in need, unaware of what it is.

I have been trying different things to get to know what it is, but I have yet to figure it out. But I have used my already present yet slightly stronger power to protect my people. It hasn't been too helpful, but we will take what we can get.

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