No Letting Go

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I no can do this. I have to make it right.... Wait a minute...

Larry: "Laurent hurry up and get in the car." I say and try to keep myself calm.

Laurent: "Huh w-why?" He look at me with tears still in his eyes and i almost start cry again but I keep myself together.

Larry: "Come on hurry up and get in the car! Is only was 10 or 20 minutes that pass! He maybe can still live! Hurry!" I say and get up and Laurent quickly get up then Laurent quickly goes into maman's room and gets the doctor thing for heart beat since maman was a nurse before but then we run downstairs and turn the alarm on and turn everything off after making sure we have everything we need then run into the car and since it was night, I speed to Diablo's house praying silently that he's still alive.

We hurry and I continue driving until I finally see the corner to turn at and I quickly park the car in front of Diablo's house and got out the car with Laurent and ran inside since the door was still opened.

Larry: "Upstairs!" I tell Laurent as he starts running up to Diablo's room then he turns on the light and we both see his body and he still  laying on the floor with blood all over his body and I quickly call 911 and Laurent check if he still has a pulse.

Laurent: "He still alive Larry! Hurry up!" He says desperately and I hurry calling 911 and they say they gonna be there in 10 minutes so we go downstairs, Lau hold Diablo's body then we wait for a bit and the more time pass, the more Lau check to see his pulse. "Can they hurry the fuck up?! Is beating fucking slower!!!"

When he say that, we hear the sirens and unlock the door going outside then they quickly put him in the back of the ambulance then quickly hook him up and tell Lau he can go in then they tell me what hospital so I went back into the house and looked everywhere until I found his keys then turned the lights off and lock the door then I get into the car and speed off to the ER. We get to the waiting room and they take his body in the operating room then we sit down and wait.

~Time Skip
Author's View

2 hours passed being it was 1:30am. The two of them waited and Laurent started to cry again getting overwhelmed with the situation and Larry hugged him hating his much he hurt his brother especially without even touching him.

Larry: "I'm so so sorry Lau. I swear I'm sorry... I no mean for it to go this far..." Here whispers as he starts to cry as well.

The doctor then came out.

Doctor: "Diablo *idk his last name*" As they heard his name being called they quickly stood up and the doctor walked up to them. "So I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we were able to operate and fix all his bruises and revive him."

As the doctor then that, the twins both sighed in relief until Laurent got uneasy again.

Laurent: "A-and the bad news?" He says as his voice quivers.

Doctor: "The bad news is that he load so much blood so he's anemic now so just be easy on him. Make sure he's gets all the attention and nutrition he needs."

The twins nod in confirmation.

Larry: "Is that it?" He asks nervously.

Doctor: "Yes. Questions?"

Laurent: "Can we see him?"

Doctor: "Oh yea sure. Follow me." He then directed them to Diablo's room and there Diablo was sleeping soundly so before they went in, the doctor gave more information. "Okay so visiting hours have ended at 7pm but only because it's only two of you, I'll allow you guys to stay over night with him until I come in tomorrow so you guys can check him out and leave. Is that fine?"

Laurent: "Yes, thank you so so much doctor." He smiles gratefully.

Doctor: "It's my job." He then smiled and left then the twins walked into the room closing the door behind them and Laurent sat in front of Diablo's bed and Larry sat on the far side near the bathroom door.

Laurent observed Diablo's face seeing the cuts and bruises and pouts then whispers.

Laurent: "I'm so sorry I no was there for you bèbè..." He then softly kisses Diablo's forehead while grabbing his hand and kissing it gently as more tears start to shed again.

Diablo's eyes then fluttered open squinting to adjust at the light then he notices Laurent's face.

Laurent: "I thought I no was gonna see you again..." He says and smiles with tears still running down his face.

Diablo: "I didn't think I would make it..." He says wearily.

Laurent then kissed Diablo softly and Diablo kissed back (A/N: that breath😕). He then pulled away gently then Diablo looked behind Laurent over at Larry. Larry then walked up to them nervously as tears start to fall from his eyes.

Diablo: "Y-you tried to kill me..." He speaks softly as he looks into Larry's eyes deeply for first time to where they actually connect on a level that is much more sensitive than others.

Larry: "Diablo I am so so sorry. I swear I no mean to almost kill you. I was just so mad about everything and I no know how to take it out. Even before I do it, I know I was gonna regret so much... I'm so sorry. I know sorry just a word but I really mean it this time... I really am sorry." Larry started crying halfway through his apology regretting all the times they would ever argue.

Diablo: "Larry, why the fuck didn't you just talk to me about it?! I don't even know till this day why you hate me so much! All I've ever done was be good to Laurent and I thought you would be happy to see your brother so happy with me! Seriously, I just want to know, did you really think i would hurt your brother? Because if that's the case, I would never try to hurt Laurent a day in my life. I swear that's not the plan at all."

Larry: "Laurent told me.... About everything you why through and why you guys spend so much time together... Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asks looking at Diablo.

Diablo: "They will just send me to another foster home... I'm fine living alone..." Larry felt worse as he spoke to Diablo.

Larry: "If you ever need anywhere to stay or if you ever feel alone, us house is always available." Hearing this from Larry, Diablo was speechless.

Diablo: "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it... But no thank you... You weren't alone when you came into my house.... I know who was with you. And since I know he's there a lot, I can't live there..." He says sadly.

Larry: "I-i don't think he's gonna be around me as much anymore... I'll have to talk to him..." He says looking down. "So do you want to stay with us?"

Diablo: "As long as no one tries to kill in my sleep again..."

Laurent: " I'm no gonna let that happen again. " He says and smiles at Diablo.

Diablo: "Thank you." He says smiling weakly at Laurent.

Laurent: "Diablo... I love you so much... But there's something we no do yet that I really wanna do before is too late and I just feel like this is a sign to do it now."

Diablo: "What is it?" He asks confused and Laurent then grabs his hand kissing it softly.

Laurent: "I- I want to make us official baby... Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks nervously and Diablo smiles.

Diablo: "Of course." Laurent smiled back then kisses Diablo and Diablo kisses back.

Larry just stayed alone on the side and just got on his phone because he was left out.

Diablo: "Lau I need to talk to you later.."

Laurent: "Okay..."

Diablo: "When are you guys leaving?" He asks knowing he's gonna be lonely if they leave.

Laurent: "We stay here all night with you then leave tomorrow... I'm gonna be back." He then goes into hallway to call Mama B to tell her Diablo is staying with them.

After a while, Laurent walked back into the room and both Larry and Diablo were sleeping so Laurent got in a chair and fell asleep as well.

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