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The angels sat in the chairs, up in the heavens, over the clouds. The skies were clear, although down on the land of the living, it was cloudy and rainy. Fall was coming on the land, and the weather was getting colder down there. Most angels always felt pity when this time came - as others were jealous and highly tired of the warm weather they always feel up there.

The room they were in was probably exactly as imagined. It was in a small room, and lines of silver and gold were on the walls vertically. In every corner, there was a pot of flowers and an antique from Earth. Once you were up in the clouds, you couldn't come back down unless given a quest. If you did want to just check on Earth, you could only go to a certain limit and look down - which is why humans always look up when remembering the loss of someone close to them, and try "talking" to them. The angels can only communicate with the stars - no whispering or telepathy.

When down on the ground for a quest, they didn't have their wings shown to humans. Only fellow angels could see their wings on their backs. They can't fly unless activated by pressing a certain button on their back, then even humans could see their wings. Although they look like regular humans, this doesn't mean they don't have powers.

Each angel possesses their own unique power that no one else has, and won't get until the angel resigns their angel job and agrees to live in the town they created - Slowtown. The town is highly relaxing, and you never have to worry there. It's basically a paradise after death.

"So, why are we here?" One of the angels asked as the boss angel fixed the papers. A small "oh!" escaped his mouth, making the three angels roll their eyes and sigh impatiently.

"Well, we finally have a quest for you," The boss informed, and they all perked up. Quests were only given to the best of the best - so there was no doubt for you to accept your quest if you were given one. It's just logic up in the clouds.

"What is it, exactly?" The other angel asked, crossing her legs. Her hands were left at her side and impatiently, she waited for the boss to explain what they were doing. The male had an awful habit of not being sure how to explain anything - especially quests. Many angels would do their quest wrong just because the boss explained everything wrong.

"Good question," The boss complimented, to which she just smiled fakely as a reply. The girl wasn't in the mood for compliments at the moment - just answers. "Well, you guys will be travelling back to Earth and finding these two boys and one girl."

"Why?" The only male angel in the room questioned, looking at the pictures of both genders. He made an unsatisfied face as he looked at his boss - which he only smiled at.

The boss smiled at an angel finally asking questions instead of just guessing at what the actual answer was. He wouldn't get many questions due to the students expecting him not to know what to say, so why waste their time?

The boss coughed before answering the male's question. "All three of them have a personal problem with them. They're all heading for the wrong path, and it will gradually get worse if you don't get there on time. You being a second late can lead to a horrible life," The boss informed, and they all fidgeted in their seats. Do they really want this deal?

"What's in it for us?" The angel that first spoke asked, frowning slightly. The boss chuckled quietly, as if he was waiting for that question. And he was.

"You have three choices," The boss said and got up, walking back and forth between all three of them. "1: You can stay up here. 2. You can invite whomever you're scheuduled to, to join up here. But, no worries, he's still human. Half human, half angel, yeah? And then you have the third choice..."

"Which is?" The second girl asked annoyedly, obviously sick of his cliffhangers he continuously left them on.

"You are allowed to live again. You restart your life if you succeed. That's one of the options, anyway," The boss said, but frowned a little. Only the boy noticed the small frown, as the girl's face lit up. "If you lose, though..."

"What happens if you lose?" The first angel asked once again, a smile still plastered onto her face.

The boss obviously hesitated, then bit his lip. He looked up slowly at the three somewhat young ones, and decided to tell the,m. "You become one of the Forgotten Angels."

The three stayed quiet for a second. Hearing those two last words in a sentence never meant well. Being one of the Forgotten Angels basically is death after death. You don't have a body nor a soul, you're completely non existence. You failed at protecting not only your body - but your soul as well. So the only solution to make sure people try to take care of the last piece of life they have?

They installed the Forgotten Angels.

"We accept."


so basically these angels are going to go back to earth and find these 3 people separately and try to bring them to the right path of life and find happiness - and the point of it.

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