Chapter 4

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Sonic sulked for three days after the incident, retreating to his tree and ignoring Shadow when he would bring his meal. Shadow attempted to apologize several times, telling him that the shot was for his own good, but he didn't figure they were very effective apologies when he kept breaking up into laughter, and was actually not very sorry at all. Shadow finally coaxed the blue wild out of the tree and out of his huff with the promise of some very special, very tasty new dishes from his head chef, and offered him a grooming afterwards. They were back on good terms after that.

During Sonic's sulk, however, Shadow discovered a quite useful spot on one of the outside walls of the greenhouse where he could sit and spy on the creature. If he climbed up on the humidifying unit and sprinkler system, there was a space between their machinery and the temperature control unit where he could see the whole of the inside without being detected by anyone inside the greenhouse or outside on the grounds. During those three days he climbed there to keep tabs on the wild and see if he had caused any damage, and to check on his well-being.

Despite their reconciliation, Shadow found himself spying even more frequently than before, as he was terribly curious about what the blue creature did when alone. Sonic's favorite pastime was watching Shadow; Shadow never stopped to think that he was now doing the same thing.

He began blowing off work and engagements to watch the creature tend to his domain, watch him play with the birds, butterflies, and fish– even to watch him sleep. Sleepless nights became more and more frequent as he stayed up to observe the wild after their companionable time together, hoping to learn more about him. Left with relatively few instructions about the creature's needs, Shadow often felt as though he was stumbling in the dark when it came to his proper care. Had he set the temperature and humidity right?

Did Sonic receive enough exercise, enough food? What kind of personal habits did he maintain?

In particular, the base matter of where the creature made his privy had Shadow stumped. Shadow was a practical hedgehog, and had at first fretted over the cleanliness of the greenhouse when he wasn't worrying over what monstrous tropical diseases the male might be carrying. He seethed with anger and embarrassment at the thought of having to clean up after the wild himself– how degrading!!! However, no matter how hard he looked, the greenhouse still appeared as clean as before a large animal took up residence there. So where in the world did he "go?"

Shadow received his answer in the strangest of ways one night after their daily visit. During the climb up to his hiding spot Shadow lost sight of the creature, then relocated him after a while in a deeply shaded area, after he had moved back a few feet so Shadow could just see his outline in the shadows. He stood tall, extended a hand... and incinerated his target to ashes with an intense light blast from his palm.

"Whaaa?" Shadow was so shocked he jumped back and fell from his perch, tumbling down the humidifier unit with a loud clattering and banging all the way to the ground. No bruises could stop him though, and he stormed into the greenhouse. Sonic of course noticed him instantly the moment he yelped, and stood and waited for him uncomfortably.

The streaked hedgehog marched up to him, his face contorting in fury and disbelief. "You– that– what the hell– What was that you just did, I demand you show me this instant!"

Sonic gaped at him helplessly, until Shadow begrudgingly thrust his hand toward him so they could communicate better. The wild grasped it at once.

::Why were you watching me go to the bathroom?:: He questioned, his face pink with embarrassment.

Shadow stopped altogether, his eyes widening in shock and his face flushing crimson as he remembered that the wild wasn't supposed to know he'd been spying.

"Uh... I..." The temper returned as quickly as it had left. "I wasn't watching you go to the bathroom, I just wanted to see– I mean– I just want it clean in here, dammit!"

:: Honestly! You think I can't take care of that myself? ::

"Well how was I supposed to know! N-now stop avoiding the question and tell me what that light was!"

:: What, that energy blast? ::

"No, the cow that just jumped over the moon. YES, that! What else?"

:: Oh... well that's simple really... :: Sonic said, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

He led Shadow over to their usual boulder and sat down. Sonic took a moment to adjust his position, smoothing his fur and curling his tail while Shadow brushed off the dirt and grass from his fall, giving them both time to recover from the awkward situation before he continued.

:: That bright light you saw was an ejection of my inner energy, given form. Some Mobians call this energy 'Chaos energy,' the shopkeeper told me. Do you know about Chaos energy?::


:: It's the energy inside living things. Every living thing produces a personal energy, you see, people, birds, frogs, insects– everything. I am able to control and concentrate my own energy and expel it outward, so I can use it as a weapon or a useful tool for anytime I might need fire or need to eradicate anything annoying or unclean. That's how I could live in the jungle and have NO bugs or parasites, Shadow.:: he said wryly, raising an eyebrow. :: I manipulate my inner energy to repel the pests and keep them away from me. Do you understand? That's the best I can explain it. ::

Shadow was blown away. "Y...yes, I think so. That's ... absolutely amazing, incredible– I've never heard of such a thing. Hey, why haven't you ever shown me that before?"

:: Well, you seemed so skittish about the mind-link I thought it would be best if I waited a while to show you chaos control.::

"I am not 'skittish'!! I... Wait, you said all things have this inner energy. So that means me, too? Could you, er, possibly teach me how to use it like that, to give it form?"

Sonic studied him for a moment, his eyes suddenly soft and distant. :: Mmm... No, I don't believe you would be able to... Not as you are now. But I'm sure, sometime in the future... :: he trailed off, a knowing smile upon his lips.

'As I am now?' thought Shadow. 'What the heck does that mean–'

:: So just how long have you been spying on me from up there? :: he asked with a teasing smirk.

Shadow turned as crimson as his stripes again, mortified, and pulled away. "Uh? Oh... W-well I was– I was just curious... I just wanted to keep an eye on you to make sure you weren't destroying the place! Do you know how much this greenhouse cost? I–"

:: Look, Shadow, I'll show you some chaos tricks. :: Sonic had dared to gently clasp his hand without invitation. :: Here, watch this, and calm down... ::

Shadow shut his mouth and watched. Sonic formed a yellow energy ball between his hands, then lowered his head and blew a long steady breath upon the ball, causing it to break apart into a hundred tiny orbs of light, drifting softly through the air like dandelion seeds. Awestruck, Shadow glanced around at the greenhouse, which seemed to have been transformed into a forest full of fireflies.

He followed one light with his eyes as it drew closer to him, gasping as it landed on his nose and broke apart into golden sparks. The moment it touched his face he felt incredible warmth, a brief feeling of wholeness and completion and satisfaction, as though he had just eaten a warm and nourishing meal and was now pleasantly full.

The wild stood, held his hands over Shadow, and spread them out and downwards, leaving a golden arc of light in the air above his head and shoulders. Points of chaos energy light fell down upon the ebony furred hedgehog like lazy snow, and he closed his eyes to savor the feeling, his body benumbed by the tender sensations.

'Amazing,' he mused. 'It's absolutely amazing. He is amazing...'

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