Chapter 2

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As I make my way down the halls of hell I bump into he last person I wanted to see the one and only Ash Baldino.

Are you stalking me" he asks smugly.

"Well hell to you too" I say annoyed "or is it you're jerk way of saying hello? "

"If it is im sure ebay has manners and a personality for sale. " I say getting more annoyed by the second.

Why might you ask, that I am being so bitchy well there are alot of reasons.

"Wow what crawled up your ass and died" he mocks concern by placing a hand on my shoulder. Sending shivers down my spine.

"Wouldn't you like to know"i reply sassly.

By now there is a small crowd forming.

"Ya thats why I asked"he replies like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Whatever, I have to go change the world and by that I mean class you know that place where you learn" I say back. Proud of my comeback .

I walk away and head to class but because the universe hates me it decides to let the bell ring. I grab my books and run all the way to the other side of the building *cough *dungeon*cough. Great now im fifteen minutes late.

Slowly I open the door with my head down.

"Nice of you to finally join us"says Mr Adams.

"Sorry " I say rather bluntly.

A few giggles go around the class and now im going to get into trouble if I continue this so I scan the room for any available seats.

Oh no....

The only seat available is next to Ash Baldino. Slowly I make my way to the seat. As I sit down something smacks on the desk. Can you guess what it is yes , no I'll tell you. A stupid detention slip. As Mr Adams walks away he grumbles about disrespectful teenagers but soon goes back to writing on the board. My parents are going to give me a lecture when I get home if they are home.

I've already done this work in my free time, yes I do,do homework but im not a nerd .I just want to finish school, study then I stick my earbuds in and read a story on wattpad .


Because I already know what it is , I ignore it he is probably going to ask me for the answers.

I swear


Im gonna


What?! I whisper yell pulling out the earphones.

"Well hello to you to, or is this your....
I cut him off mid sentence.

"If you're trying to annoy me lim just going to put my earphones in. So what do you want? "

"Well I want to rule the world, I want..

I stop listening and put my earphones in.

"Poke "
"Poke "

" What?" I ask pulling out my earphones getting angrier.

"Okay, gees well how was your day?he asks almost smug.

I cover my mouth to hold my laugh, and just like that all my anger fades.

"Really the badboy asking me how my day was, , again What.Do.You.Want?"i ask annoyed.

"Okay you got me, well I was wondering if you were free tonight?" He says putting a hand on my knee.

Sending shivers up my body.

"Are you kidding me im freaking expensive" I say pushing his hand off.

"Well id pay any amount to have my way with you". He says almost like it's going to work. He smirk, eating me away.

Poor,poor unsuspecting idiot.


I know this sounds cliche but I slapped the badboy. That certainly wiped the smirk off his face.

Just then the bell rings and I run out of there faster than I have ever ran in my life.


Thanks for all the votes
And comments. I know
This is a short chapter
I'll try and make it longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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