Just 2 more agonising weeks of school... then it's summer. Hang in there, Nicky. We can do this!

PHONE! I immediately sat up from my bed and pushed my laptop away from my stomach. I REALLY need someone to talk to at the moment.. I'm guessing it's just Roxanne, my best friend.

She texts me the most random things. One time she texted me if it was alright to eat pizza that was left on the table open for a day. She's weird like that. And she loves pizza.

I turn on my phone and it says:

"Hey, who's this? I got a new phone so I lost my contacts"

OMG.. NATHAN!!! This is literally the first time he texted me. He's just asking my name but it's better than nothing!

Ok.. ok calm down. He's not asking you to marry him, he's just asking for your name. Suck it up, Nicky..

I was about to open it up but.. should I? Maybe I should just wait.. I mean I don't wanna look desparate. Okok. Maybe I'll just wait a few hours.. no. Minutes! Ugh.. it's way too long...

What am I even thinking.. do I think this message will decide if we get married? No.

But it's a big deal.. it's the first time we're gonna talk.

What about I stop thinking and just press it?! Press it Nick, PRESS IT.

I did.

Shoot.. he's still online.

I type:
"Oh hey, Nathan.. it's me, Nic"

I'm not saying his name... I gotta play it cool.

I delete and re-type:
"I'm Nicky. The nerd in the cla"

C'mon don't say nerd. It's not cute for a guy like Nathan.. think Nicky.. THINK! You can't type for so long.. he can see if you're typing a paragraph!

I breathe in.




I delete and again, re-type:
"I like reading comic books"


Well it can get some conversation going. But.. I don't want conversation... ugh.. whatever, it's sent. I better go offline so he won't think I'm obsessed. Though, I honestly am..


I immediately grabbed my phone.
It reads:
"Am I supposed to guess now? 😂"

LAUGHING EMOJI! OMG. That's a step further. I can really tell we're already bonding...

Ok stay cool.

I type:
"Yes. Guess ;)"

Ew. Nick, no winky face.

I delete the winky face
"Yes. Guess"


He's typing..

"Dayum. Ok. Is this Drake?"

Haha. He thinks I'm a dude.

I type:
"You really think I'm a dude?"


"You're a girl??"

Omg my heart is beating so fast. Why?! Stop it heart.

I type:
"Yes. Don't stereotype. Girls read comic books too"

"Who are you??"

Not yet Nicky. Not yet..

I type:

"Ugh.. fine.. Sarah?"

"I don't think there's a Sarah in our class."


"Give up?"

"Give up."


"Nicky?! The nerd Nicky?!"

HE JUST SAID MY NAME. In text. But he called me a nerd. Wow. That's the only time I appreciated being called a nerd.

"Yes. Nicky."

"You actually read comic books?"


"That's so cool."

My heart. Is beating. So fast right now.


"Which one?"

"Usually Marvel but I read DC too."

"Oh I like DC more though"

"Fight me irl"

"Haha! I didn't know you were this cool!"

Oh god.. does he really think I'm cool?? HE THINKS I'M COOL!

"I take that as a compliment?"

"Haha. Sorry. It is DEFINITELY a compliment"


"Oh. Did you hear they're releasing a new movie?"

"Avengers. Yes."

"I can't wait.."

"Omg. Me too!"

"Ikr! Can't wait."

"DC might release Suicide Squad in a few years. Wonder what Joker will look like.."

"Yeah. Will anyone ever top Heath Ledger's Joker?"

"He's like the legendary Joker.."

We continued on and on. My hand was shaking the whole time we were talking. It was night and we were still talking. I didn't care. This was easily the best day of my life.

"Wow. I've never known someone so nerdy😂"

"Haha. Compliment?"

"Yep😂. Totes compliment."

"Haha😂. Thanks."

"I really had no idea you were so fun to talk to!"

Fangirling. Have. To. Contain.

"Haha same here."

"Ok. Well, I gotta go. Talk to you next time Nicky! ;)"

Winky face? HE sent ME the winky face?? Am I dreaming? Should I send it back?

"Talk to you next time. :)"
Better be safe. Smiley face. No wink.

It's 1am. Worth it.

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