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Hello~ so as I was writing this I was basically cringing the whole time. No joke. I'm not use to writing stories in such detail. Anyways- continue on to the story.

As Alya was about to leave school, she saw her best friend run from the corridor. "Hey Marinette! Marinette? Hey!" Alya ran after her best friend until she slide down the wall mumbling phrases. Alya finally caught up with Marinette as she fell.

"Hey! *pants* What happened?!" "N-nothing happened Alya." "Seriously, what happened? I can see right through you." Alya was determined to find out what had happened to her friend, if only she had made it simple. "MARINETTE! WHAT HAPPENED!?" "I-I saw hi-him with Chl-Chloe." "And?" "Th-they were ki-kissing." Alya was in full shock. She never expected Adrien to do that to Marinette. Adrien even changed his ways for her.

"Adrien, if you don't do you're own work, I will leave you." "Ha. You don't have the guts." "Oh really?" "Yup." "Then watch me." Marinette left Adrien alone in the school library where they were doing their homework. "Haha, Marinette~ I know you didn't leave me." "........." "Marinette?" "......" "Come on, this isn't funny." "........" "FINE! I'll do my own homework." Still no answer. "LOOK SEE! I'm doing my work." After 15 minutes of calling and waiting, Adrien left the library in a bad mood

"I can't believe I finished my homework, and now, teachers are going to expect so much out of me! Maybe I should purposely write down wrong answers, yeah. That'll work but what if I-" "There you are." "What?" Adrien turned around to see his girlfriend, the one who left him at the library, with snacks. "I thought you would still be at the library."

Adrien was still mad at Marinette for what she did but she was confused when he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to an alley. "Um, was are we doing he-" Adrien cut her off with one of his smoothness moves, kissing the neck. "Uhhh. Adrien what are you doing no-" "Shut up and let me mark my territory." "But I didn't do anyth-" "SHUT UP AND LET ME DO THIS!" "......" "Good girl."

Adrien kept sucking on her neck until it was red enough to see. "And done. My masterpiece is complete." "What did you do?!" "What? You're officially mine." "Tch, Whatever." "Is my baby mad at me?" "Oh shut up, at least I'm not the one whining the whole time at the library." "You were there the whole time?" "Duh. I can't just leave you alone at the library, you might do something stupid!"

"I already did." "WHAT?!" "Yea, because of you, I had to do my stupid homework BY MYSELF." "That's not so bad." "Nope, the worst thing that could happen is not getting to see your beautiful face everyday." "Since when did you become cheesy?" "Since the day I meet you." Adrien and Marinette left the alley to go home. So, see you tomorrow?" Adrien had walked Marinette home first. "Duh. We go to the same school." "Haha true. Love you." "Love you too."

----Flashback end----

"Mari, don't worry. You don't need him anymore." "I-I know I d-don't. What b-bothers me is that h-he cheated on me. W-why could be j-just break up with m-me? He c-could of just said it t-to my face and it wouldn't have t-this much of an impact on m-me." "I know Mari, just please stop crying. You'll find a better man. You were just too hung up on that boy to see it." "Maybe y-you're right Alya. I'll find someone b-better." "That's right girl! Think positive."

What they didn't know is that the perfect guy was listening to their conversation. "I'm sorry I did this to you, but I promise I'll be better for you even if you don't want to believe me now."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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