Chapter 1

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He came to me in my dreams again.

He never shows his face but it's okay, he's there to listen. He's my friend and I can tell him anything. My anger, sorrows, and darkest desires. He understands me like no one in my life as ever been able to.

Tonight he told me stories about the land he is from. Stories of a magical land filled with the most wonderful things. 

Tonight's dream was different though.

I got to look into his eyes for the first time but cannot remember the features of his face. All I remember are his eyes. Pools of green sorrow with a flicker of gold in them. They haunt me and call out to me. He asked me if I wanted to come to this place with him. When I said yes the dream ended and I am left disappointed in my bed alone.

I get up to get a drink of water when I suddenly get the feeling I’m not alone. I freeze where I am and have chills running up my arms. I don’t know if what I hear next is real or if my mind is playing tricks on me. It’s almost like an echo and if I’m not mistake I hear, “I will have you in the end, you know.” I shake my head and realized I’m just tired.

I jump when I hear a hollow whisper call out my name. The voice was daunting and unmistakably real.

I turn around and see nothing. I’ve never been one to believe in superstition or ghosts of any kind, but then what could be the explanation? I have no siblings to play games with. I’m alone, and when you’re alone your very aware of the emptiness in a room. There is something else here.

My window curtains flow up in the air, making me aware that my window was in fact open, which it never is. Sticking my head out into the night sky I close my eyes and all I can see are those haunting emerald eyes staring back at me. A hard shove pushes me completely out the window making me cry out in surprise and fear. The concrete of the cement ground is getting closer and closer, then what appears to be a floating shadow swoops me up and takes me away.

Nausea has my stomach churning from all the sudden movement. I feel too dizzy and confused to quite grasp the seriousness of my circumstance.

“What the…? Let go of me!” I struggle against his seemingly invisible arms but he has a vice like grip and only tightens them harder around me. 

It’s hard to explain what’s going through my head. You know when you wake up from a crazy dream where you just went through the unimaginable yet in the dream like state it all felt relevant and normal? But when you finally wake up you realize just how outrageous it actually was and then you can finally go about your day and forget it. That’s my closest explanation of what it happening. I’m in reality but being thrown into an outrageous dream like state where things are moving to fast to comprehend.

The shadow like creature took me further and further into the sky.

A horrible thought entered my mind that it was either going to drop me or take me up so high in the sky I would lose oxygen. The small glimmer of hope was that I would wake up any second now and be free of this strange nightmare. I pinched myself hard just to try and snap me out of my situation, but it only made me in wince in pain letting me know this was all in fact real.

We were starting to move faster and faster.

I had to close my eyes from the speed of the wind. When would this end? What did it want and where was it taking me? I finally had the guts to speak aloud once again.

“Where are you taking me?” To my utter shock the shadow responds, making me wish I had never asked.

“I’m taking you to Neverland. My Master is ready for his next.” 

Before I could ask what he meant by his next, he lets me go and I am free falling into the unknown, and perhaps death itself.

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