Chapter 24

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Pan's POV

I carried Lily back to the campsite and tucked her into our bed to rest. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. A look I wish I could see more often from her.

My shadow almost killed her. I almost killed her.


I'm pacing back and forth trying to calm my thoughts and emotions. I just sent Lily into the Mystic Forest. Felix talked me into doing it telling me it was the best punishment she could serve and learn from. I had to admit it was but I can't help but be worried for her.

Damn bitch deserves it for trying to escape from you.

I turn around to see my shadow hovering near by. I nod my head in agreement. She is way to reckless and brave for her own good. If I didn't enforce this punishment then she would never learn her place.

She doesn't respect you Pan. You're love for her is making you weak.

I spin around to meet my shadow eye to eye.

"I am not weak! She drives me insane and makes me so damn frustrated sometimes but not weak. Never weak. DON'T EVER SAY I AM WEAK AGAIN!"

Apologies Master. I am only looking out for you and only you. If she doesn't learn her place soon she must be eliminated. Surely you've seen this coming.

"Of course I have, but I will not eliminate her."

And I will not have you eliminated because of a girl. Think about what I have said.

My shadow flew off leaving me to my thoughts once again. Disgust was evident in his voice when he said girl. I surely will not let a girl be the end of me. Nothing can ever be the end me.

End of flashback

I lived in a constant battleground, fighting the delicious satisfaction at her pain against my morality and horror at hurting her.

My heart ached at the sight of her neck where she was strangled, but I had no words of comfort to give. I'm too empty and consumed with rage with myself.

I went too far once again... But she tried to leave me and escape!

Seeing her try to leave me clouded my vision, drenching the scene before me in a dim, red haze. My instincts threatened to get the better of me, the desperate, innate need to capture and subdue anything that tried to escape.

I know my punishing her only pushes her away and cripples our relationship but what she doesn't understand is that I punish her because I love her and want to protect her.

I know how dangerous I can be. I know exactly what I am and it's why I crack down on her so hard. I can't always control my rage and when I lose the control I will kill and annihilate anything in my path.

The thought of Lily dead chocked my heart with such fear I couldn't breathe.


My head snapped up at the sound of her waking up. This was one conversation I wasn't looking forward too....

Lily's POV

I woke up to an instant soreness in my throat. My hands automatically massage the tight knot in my neck. I open my eyes and see Peter sitting next to the bed looking at me intently. I studied his face, focusing on his sculptured cheekbones and how achingly lonely his gaze appeared. I could almost follow his thoughts. See the blood splatter, the hatred for himself.

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