*To those who are suicidal or whatever's please read*

15 0 0

Today's the day. No turning back now.

You just came out from an awful day and walking home from school.

The same teacher who was always more mean to than everyone else, she got more madder than other days. You're crush said that he/she thought of you as a friend after you confessed. You're parents pissed you off when you spilled milk all over the kitchen floor. You're older sister told you that you were a moron when she was waking you up. That classmate who always tripped you while walking to class, everyone who witnessed and saw it laughed at you.

You were depressed and grabbed a blade from your bag. It was a blade from a razor you had.
You pulled up you're sleeve and sliced your wrist. You enjoyed seeing the crimson red liquid come out. You enjoyed the stinging sensation. After, you dried the blood from your wrist and pulled down your sleeve.

When you got home, no one was home except you. You tried to make sure no one was home by shouting " hello?!" And you were greeted by silence. You went up the stairs to your room and grabbed a camera, a stool, and a rope. You set up you're camera, put the chair in the middle of the room, and hanged up the rope. You grabbed the remote for the camera and stood on the chair. After getting settled on the chair, you turned the camera on with the remote, and said to the camera: "Well, Hello Family. If you're watching this, please do me a favor and listen. Please stay strong. Live healthy. And live you're lives to the fullest. Don't make the same mistake I made for me, ok? I'm making life better for you so please, be happy I'm gone. I don't wanna be a burden anymore. I want to escape reality. I wanna live in a place that I'm accepted. I want to be welcomed in a friendly hug every time I wake up. But I don't wanna feel the same thing all over again. I mean, What's the point in ending if you know you're gonna have to start again?
But, now it's time to go, face ending and all.." You stuttered. You were nervous but sure that you were going to do this. So, you pulled down the rope, put it on you're neck, and stepped one foot from the stool. Then you said to the camera. "Well, I guess this is goodbye.... And so A-Alice said.. Off with her head!" You turned off the camera, and placed both feet down. The stool was on the floor with the remote lying right beside it. You were loosing sight, but still saw everything as a blur. You were loosing breath but still had a bit in you're lungs. And so, you said. "Goodbye.. W-World...."




Am I a narcissist omfg
This is nice though
Sorry old self
I'm taking the credit
Hahahahahhhaaahahaa wtf
Apparently I made this on December 7, 2013 20:26 according to Wattpad
It's been how many years omf
Wait what's the date today
May 26, 2015 23:55
My grammar tho haha
Then again I was like how old when I made this
Baiiiiiii lol wat

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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*To those who are suicidal, or whatever's, please read*Where stories live. Discover now