Zodiac signs and their favourite foods

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Aries believe in the healthy foods without not tasting delicious foods! They prefer: healthy and fresh vegetables, cheeses and fishes.

Aries believe in the healthy foods without not tasting delicious foods! They prefer: healthy and fresh vegetables, cheeses and fishes

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They love "THE BEST" food more than the others Zodiac signs! With food and wine can inspire themselves.They prefer: meats, carbohydrates, salads and of course sweets.

They prefer: meats, carbohydrates, salads and of course sweets

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Geminis are not "friends" of the good food.Geminis general they can like super-healthy food, like biologicals and only products. They can be sometimes only vegetarians and to avoid anything unhealthy.But, they can only eat easy,fast food and impessive food!Most Geminis like to try anything new -general- so they can also eat or taste Chinese food.

But, they can only eat easy,fast food and impessive food!Most Geminis like to try anything new -general- so they can also eat or taste Chinese food

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Cancers are convenient people to their food.They prefer variety in the food of the best restaurants in the world but THEY LOVE MAMA'S FOOD!!!!!!Anyway, they like family dinner , they can try to eat anything but in the end they will choose homemade food :-).

They prefer variety in the food of the best restaurants in the world but THEY LOVE MAMA'S FOOD!!!!!!Anyway, they like family dinner , they can try to eat anything but in the end they will choose homemade food :-)

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