A Walk At The Park

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*Alarm* i groaned as the alarm disturb my dreams, i was just about to get to the best prt too. Oh well. i lazily streched myself in the bed and got out of bed slowly. I checked myself in the mirror to see how my face looks like in the morning. "Oh god afi you look like a mess" i said to myself. No im not crazy.

I took a nice warm shower and got out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I walked towards my closet and pulled out a black ripped jeans and an oversized grey tshirt and tuced the front of the shirt in. I had a free day all to myself so i decided to take a nice walk at the park and listen to some songs. I slipped my red converse hightops on and began walking since it was only a few minutes away.

The breeze at the park was nice and it tickled my skin as i listened to BTS Miss Right. Seems like no one's at the park today, that's nice, it's so peaceful. As i sat down i noticed a figure sitting near me, it was a guy.

"Woah, he looks so tall" i said to myself which is odd because one, he was sitting down and two, i really do seem crazy talking to myself. Wait, he looks familiar...is that..? No, no, NO WAY!!! Is that rapmonster?!?!?

"Breath afi breath" i said to myself. What luck is this?!?! Im here at the park sitting near rapmonster A.K.A my bias. I am sooooooo not alive right now, should i talk to him? He might get annoyed...

I gathered my shit and got up and starting walking up to him. He seemed so lonely, he's probably thinking of some new lyrics or just taking a break. As i got closer, Rapmon looked up at me and we both smiled at each other.

"H-hi, Im a fan of yours."

Helo beans, im sorry if it's short, i promise the next one will be better....

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