Of Course

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"Jack?" It wasn't a shrill cry - more like a scared whisper. But it was confusing, since the blond had never heard such an audible tone of fear in the other's voice before.

"Yusei?" Came the somewhat worried reply. Jack was busying himself with making coffee in the kitchen, but the unexpected terror from the next room surprised him. He practically almost smashed his cup as he hurried to the next room where Yusei was in, alarm bells ringing in his head as he walked through only to find that-

Yusei was freaking out over a bug again.

With a groan, Jack felt the anger surge inside of him. He shook his head, but couldn't stop the smile etching onto his face. Yusei looking afraid was a rare sight to see, especially over something so small and petty.

Jack sighed, making sure his smile was covered before trying to find this supposed bug that Yusei was freaking out about. God, if Crow could see him now, standing on the couch like a school girl who just saw a massive spider...there would be some serious howling. But of course, for now, it was Jack's job to get rid of whatever was making Yusei freak out.

And then it was Jack's turn to be scared. He shrieked as the other jumped on him in what could only be described as an attack on his personal space. It was only a matter of time before Yusei was overthrown, seeing as Jack had the advantage of just throwing him back onto the couch and pinning him down onto it.

Yusei showed absolutely no remorse.

"What the hell, Yusei?!"

There was only a shrug from the mechanic, his eyes locked onto Jack's as his expression was almost vacant - "What?"

"Are you not going to explain yourself?" Jack muttered, a little too menacingly as he let the other go, staying straddled on top of his torso.

"I would, but you're smiling. I don't think I need to explain myself."

And for the first time in his life, Jack felt the corners of his lips tingle slightly with the sensation of wanting to be pulled into an even wider grin. He huffed, his pride taking a small blow as he shuffled off of Yusei, sitting on the end of the couch and letting an almost invisible blush rise to his cheeks.

With a chuckle, Yusei got up. As smart as the duelist thought he was, Jack always fell for Yusei's little traps and small acts. But it was good that Jack never saw through them. It let Yusei see a genuine smile on Jack's face for once when his mischevous plans worked.

"Jack? Are you mad at me?" Yusei asked, leaning back on the couch with his arms to support him, one leg hanging off the edge whilst the other was tucked safely underneath.

"No." Was the blunt reply.

"You sound it."

"Shut up..." Jack mumbled, advancing on Yusei in an instant and pressing their lips together, pulling back to speak once more, "Don't think you have a free pass because you made me smile."

"Of course not, Jack. Of course."


This was dedicated to @popper126 for her birthday today, so happy birthday to you, Popper! I hope you like it...despite it being incredibly short and OOC xP I do try.

--- Kura-chan ---

Of Course (Kingcrabshipping)Where stories live. Discover now