Chapter Six The Adventure Awakens

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Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" I yelled. I jerked up real fast almost falling out of my bed. I hastily packed up everything that I had and headed to the stables. I got Xena ready to ride and I sat on the bench and waited for Alex. He came around the corner about two hours later.

"Well you're here early. What time did you get here?" He asked when he saw me.

" Umm... lets just say early enough" I said as I mounted Xena. We pulled out of the stables and started to head through town.

" Ok, whatever you say....." He was able to get out before a person came screaming.

" WARNING THE DARK FORCES ARE COMING! WE ALL SHOULD BE SCARED! LOCK YOUR DOORS AND BAR YOUR WINDOWS!" Said the well known town drunk. He yelled those words right into Xena's face.

Xena reared back and started to bolt. I held on to her mane and buried my face into it. I looked up and noticed that we were bolting straight for the dark forest. I couldn't even hear my own screams. I was pulling back on the reins so hard I'm surprised that I hadn't made Xena's mouth bleed. She ran right into the trees. Weaving back and forth between the trees I started to relax off the reins and started to feel the dread. The dread that I felt made me think of everything that could go wrong. The villagers voice started to ring back into my head. What were these dark forces. Why would they need to lock our doors and bar our windows. The only place that the evil creatures can only go into the dark forest..... and that is where I am now! Why did I not jump from Xena when I noticed where we were going. Dang it why did I get on Xena. Why did I run off from my tower in the first place. I'm so stupid!!!

" Hey slow down Trisha!" Yelled someone behind me.

I quickly grabbed the reins recognizing the voice to be Alex's voice. This time Xena listened by slowing down until she came to a halt. We stood there for a few seconds as I took in our surroundings. The woods were dark and you could still feel the dread here but I was getting use to it.

" I didn't think you were dumb enough to follow me into the dark forest." I said.

" Well you did say you wanted an adventure and If I remember correctly I said I would go with you until we have reached my destination. Which means I am in these woods with good reasons." He said with a smile.

" You shouldn't have followed me into the forest. Nobody has ever returned from them if my studies are correct." I said feeling worse than before noticing that I had dragged someone down with me.

" I know that's what people say about the forest but I also think that it is about time that someone changes that fact. Change what history says. I think we should be able to choose our own destinies. Like I think we both agreed on." He said with a big smile. All I could do was smile back and think what a cute idiot. 

" Well I guess that we should ride until we find the next town. There is not much else we could do. Plus there is said to be creatures here that haven't been recorded because nobody lives to tell about them." I said as I spurred Xena on in the opposite direction that we came from. I came for an adventure and now it looks like I've got myself one.

" Sure. Let's ride. We got nothing better to do." He said.

We rode for about ten minutes in silence. Then we made some small chat like favorite foods and stuff we dislike or we like a lot. I must have dozed out on Xena because I had awaken to the swaying of her gate and noticing that she was walking behind Alex's horse. Xena's reins were tied to the back of Alex's saddle. I reached over Xena's head and I undid the reins and came up next to Alex who was slumped over and dosing his head almost touching his horse's mane. I Grabbed the reins and tied them to my saddle. We kept on riding for quite some time before Alex had awaken. By then I wanted to get down off Xena. My butt and legs hurt so bad from sitting in the saddle for so long and the horses needed the rest, water, and food. We dismounted and set up camp. I set down my blanket and pillow and sat down next to the fire Alex had built. We both sat in silence until we both were fast asleep.

I woke up with a start. I scanned the surroundings. I couldn't see further than two feet in front of me. I had awoken having a feeling that someone or something was watching us. That's when I saw the something or multiple things move in the background. I reached over and shook Alex hard. He wouldn't wake up. I started to pat his arm and then continued to shake him. When I saw that the shadows were closer this time I gave him one big slap in the face and he woke up swinging and clipped me on my chin. I fell backwards and I felt the throbbing everywhere. It felt like my head was about to explode. I sat up and Alex was staring at me with the face of a kicked puppy. He reached over to touch my face where he had hit and I jerked my face back.

" I'm so sorry Trisha. I didn't mean to hit you. I'm so so so sorry." He said.

" I should be sorry I'm the one who slapped you but we have bigger problems." I said as I pointed to the surrounding area.

" I don't see anything wrong." He said while watching the edge of our area. The shadows moved again and this time they were closer.

" Oh you mean that." He said.

We both got up slowly and I got into a fighting stance as Alex grabbed his sword. The shapes swarmed us all at once. There must have been ten of them. We really couldn't see them they seemed to fade into the darkness around us. I got hit with something that felt like a staff in my stomach making me peel over. Then I fell forward with the thrust of a hit in my back. I watched Alex's sword disappear and then reappear stuck deep in his stomach.

" Alex!!!" I screamed and Alex was lying on the ground. The sword still stuck in his stomach. I grew angry and sad at the same time and I knew I had no choice but to show my biggest secret. I sent a huge wave of magic that pushed the shadows back and relighted the fire.  I crawled over to Alex when I saw that the shadows had gone away. I put my hand next to the puncture. I pulled my hand back and saw so much blood. There was so much of it. I yanked the sword out and pressed my hands to the wound.

" Marachinad wankenda nalderandsa." I yelled.

" Trisha ... what are you doing? Trisha?" He repeated as he regained strength and life. I started swaying and seeing colors in my vision. I yelled one more time finishing the spell.

" Mercashen casnacher verchand!!!" I yelled as I fell over. My last thought was he'd kill me.

The Fight For Freedom Book #1Where stories live. Discover now