Chapter 5

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Hi guys!!!! Sooo this is a new quarter in high school, so students get a few new classes. So..... Hope you enjoy Xx


(Rachel's POV)

I slide into my seat for my new race relations class and pull out my phone as more students came in. I check my messages and see Harry's text lingering by itself. I smile a little and when the teacher walks in, I put my phone away and take out my notebook. The bell rang. None of my friends were in this class. I sigh and tap my desk with my pencil eraser, watching the teacher with a blank expression. Then, I hear the door open. The teacher look over at the student. "Do you have a pass?"

"No," says a very familiar voice. Oh no. I look up to see Harry. Of course he's here, and he's late.

The teacher, Ms. Young pursed her lips. "Take a seat." She says, before scribbling something on the attendance sheet. Harry smirks before looking for a seat. I looked away before he looked at me. The only open seat was the one next to mine and the one in the back. He sighs and sits down next to me, looking over at me and whispering. "Well isn't this a surprise," Harry says. I put my finger to my lips and shush him. He smiles and looks at the teacher.

"Good morning class, I'm Miss Young, for those of you who hadn't heard me before," She glanced at Harry and gave him a look. "This is race relations. The first thing we are going to be doing today is we're going to make our classroom expectations." The whole class groans. Miss Young smiles. "Yes, yes we are going to have a great time." She says, sarcasm in her voice. "Alright. Now pair up with someone and come up with 5 rules." I look around, and Harry pulls my desk over to his. I sigh and look at him. "You were late," I say, ripping a piece of paper out of my notebook and writing our names on the top.

"Yes, I was," Harry says. "I have things to do, places to be," He glanced at the clock, then at our paper.

"Rule one," I say. "Don't be late." I write it down neatly.

"Oooh, cold," Harry says, smirking.

"Okay, so I see you're somewhat of a bad boy," I say.

He smirks. "Uh huh,"

"We're going to have to fix that." I write down another rule, don't talk when the teacher is talking.

Harry sighs. "How about, no phone use in class?"

"That works," I write it down and look at him. "Anything else?"

"Hmm... no swearing?" Harry says.

I write it down. "It's like you're describing the complete opposite of yourself."

"You never hear me swear."

I roll my eyes.

"But I heard you swear," Harry smirks.

"Oh please. When was that?" I ask him.

"During the movie last night, when that old hag jumped out of the closet, and when the face showed up in the mirror." Harry says.

"Oh." I say. "Well I was under the influence of paranormal activity. How did the movie not scare you at all?"

"There isn't anything to be afraid of. What can ghosts do to you? Chop you up with an invisible ax? They can't touch you, they're not solid. They can walk right through you."

"They can possess you." I say.

Harry laughs and looks at me. "How many times does that happen to people?"

I sigh.

"Alright, time's up. Pass up your papers," Miss Young says.

I quickly write one last rule down and give it to Miss Young.

I sat down in my last period class, Modern Meals. I started it since it was the new quarter. Harry walks in. I sigh. He sits down at a table with Niall and a few of his other friends.

"Alright class, you're gonna be grouped by last names, so Arianna, Niall, Jessie, Bradley, and Chelsea at Table 1, Derek, David, Stacy, Cassidy, and Camryn at Table 2, Holly, Ty, Nate, and Becca at Table 3, and Rachel, Harry, Mike, Taylor, and Kelsey at Table 4.

I grin at Kelsey and we sit next to each other. Harry sits next to me and Mike. Taylor sits next to Mike and Kelsey.

"Today, we are going to look at the different recipes we're making, and if we have enough time, we're going to make fruit smoothies." Ms. Johanna says. She hands out papers with recipes on them. "If you take a look, this is everything we're going to be making from now throughout the rest of the year."

Harry smiles and nudges me. "Long time no see," he whispers.

I smile at him and look at my paper.


How'd you like it???? Harry's a bad boy!!! Ooooh haha! Xx

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