3 stureys! A one

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ISBN 0-373-76203-8


Copyright © 1999 by Beverly Beaver

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Books by Beverly Barton

Silhouette Desire

Yankee Lover #580

Lucky in Love #628

Out of Danger #662

Sugar Hill #687

Talk of the Town #711

The Wanderer #766

Cameron #796

The Mother of My Child #831

Nothing But Trouble #881

The Tender Trap #1047

A Child of Her Own #1077

His Secret Child #1203

Silhouette Intimate Moments

This Side of Heaven #453

Paladin's Woman #515

Lover and Deceiver #557

The Outcast #614

*Defending His Own #670

*Guarding Jeannie #688

*Blackwood's Woman #707

*A Man Like Morgan Kane #819

*Gabriel Hawk's Lady #830

Emily and the Stranger #860

Lone Wolf's Lady  #877

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