Where am i??

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The house she's in

Brooklyn's POV

I slowly flutter my eyes open, but only to be greeted by darkness.

Ugh god why am I always in darkness??

What happened? But then everything started to come flooding back to me....
Fit boy, sweet smells , old man , blood, fangs... WAIT WHAT?

I shot out of the comfy bed , but then was greeted with the coldness , jeez it was really cold i shudder a bit.
OMG he had fangs , wait have I been kidnapped oh god no I have to get back home!

Oh right I don't have one, I sigh loudly , I have to get out of here WHAT IF IM GUNNA DIE? No god I wanna
Visit the world , what if he lets me live? , what if-

Okay I really have to stop and look for a way out, I take a look at my surroundings and notice the door straight
Away I run for it and hope that it's open , YES !! It's unlocked I do a little victory dance , as I took a step out
Sadly my victory was short lived when I got shoved to the floor ' roughly' might I just add, then I smell pine
Cones and hot chocolate mmmmmmm.

I glance up wondering when do doors push people to the floor , but I noticed that it's my kidnapper OH GOD
i quickly shook up to my feet , still holding his gaze I look around the room looking for a window , and then I
Find it YES! I do another victory dance , but this time in my head.

I make my way slowly over to the window ,but I notice he's watching my EVERY move , them I dart for the
Window and look outside but to only notice that we're 3 stories up , OH SHIT!! There's no way I'd make that.
Why me ? Why does god hate me? Why is no one ever on my side? Why doesn't-

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I'm being pinned against the wall , the smell getting even more
Intoxicating , but I shrug it off thinking it's his clone.

"Don't you dare think about running off" he said with an annoyed tone.

"Get off of me" I shouted , but sadly regretted it when I fell on my 'butt'
"Ouch" I mumble while standing up,I look over at him to see him smirking.

"Why am I here?" I ask , I'm so curious as to why he would take me, I mean wouldn't you ?

"Well let's just say that you would end up in jail if it weren't for me" he stated , I stare at him confused. Oh no
That man !

"Is he alright?" I ask my voice stuttering a bit , he looked at me as in a ' are-you-joking' kind of look. He doesn't

"Please take me home , just please don't kill me I want to see the world , I want to have children, I wanna live
Till I'm 50 at least-

"SHUT UP, your voice is so annoying fucking hell" he shouted , but it wasn't like a normal shout , and trust me
I know what a proper shout is.

" just please don't kill me" I pleaded , hoping it would at least get me somewhere, even if I will have to go on my
Knees I will do it..... only if necessary.

"I dunno yet , but trust me piss me off and I will torture you in ways you have NEVER EVER HERD OF" he
Said slowly while stalking towards me. I kinda laughed a bit , but mentally I mean only if he knew how much
I've been through and torture , I'm surprised I haven't even died yet.

But I'm still scared and I'll always will be , as I said before I'm weak and won't get anywhere in life, so I nodded
Quickly, he glared.

"Good..... and you dare even think about running I swear I will kill you without a second thought" he said in a
Deadly tone , god it scared me so much.

"O-o-okay" I stuttered , god why am I always like this.... with that he stormed out the room but not without
Slamming the door. Great what am I supposed to do now, I can't get out because right now all I want to do
Is live?

It's weird because when someone actually offered me death , I don't except i want to live , god why am I like this
Ugh life's so difficult.

'Tell me about it'

WHAT ! I quickly looked to see if anyone was in the room , but there wasn't only me and my thought.

"Who are you" I ask out load , and I kinda feel stupid , but I've been like that since 8 years old so why care.

'Why are you asking out load idiot!'

See! There it was again, This time I ask in my myself?

' who are you'

'The names crystal'

' omg what are you doing in my mind?'

'Well I could ask you the same thing but were the same person' she snapped back

Dam this girl is really annoying and rude, wonder how to get rid of her?

'Um excuse me, you know I'm apart of your thoughts ' she said sounded offended

' who are we the same person? Your so rude and in just-'

' shy' she finished for me , i smiled which I haven't done in a long time.

'Why are you in my head?' I ask

'Omg I getting so bored of this now , all I can say is all will be revealed in the future'

Then she left, what? No I have to have answers god just when I have a friend I loose one , I feel something fall on my
Knee and notice it's , my tears ? I couldn't hold them back anymore , I started to cry constantly into the pillows
It was like a never ending fountain , with my amount of tears I could provided you water for about 3 months at least.
I cried about everything , how my mum died , how I've been abused throughout all my childhood , how I've been
Kidnapped, and how I've lost my only friend.

My dads make so much more sense to me now , I don't need to be here , this earth doesn't need me no one does
And then that just brings on even more tears , it I can't help it I've lost so much and just get nothing ,
Absolutely nothing in return , not even being given a Friend.

I notice I've stopped crying , because I literally can't cry anymore.

I lay down on the bed and think whether I'm going to wake up in the morning , or not at all
I really wish for the second one , I wish to be with my mum..as i start to drift of I picture me and my mum , holding
Hands eating ice cream on the beach, i slip into darkness with a smile on my face.

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