Loss | Asahi x Reader

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You were in the middle of a match against Aoba-Johsai's girl's team. Everyone was pushing their hardest, and the other team was putting up a fight. You were in the third set, after you and the Karasuno girl's team had lost to Seijoh the first set and won the next set. Both sets you had played were very close and everyone, on both sides of the net, were working hard.

Though the other team was spiking hard, back row on your side was getting to most every ball and getting a good foundation for the setter, and then for the hitter. Receiving was your team's greatest strength, but some of those girls on your team got great kills whenever they could get their hand on the ball.

It was now the third set, and your team was definitely lacking energy. Ever since Yui Michimiya, the captain of Karasuno's girl's volleyball team, quit the team, everyone had been kind of quiet and lackluster. Everyone was trying their best, but it just didn't add up. You got a few good digs, kills and even some sets, even though you weren't even a setter. It came to a point where Aoba-Johsai was winning 21-14. However, your team got the point, and you were up to serve.

Serving psyched you out a lot, but you had practiced hard on it as much as you could. You got behind the base line, and just before the referee blew the whistle, there came a yell from the crowd, saying, "Hit a nice serve, Y/N!" You immediately looked up and saw one of your good friends cheering in the stands, Azumane Asahi. A few other Karasuno players from the boy's team were up in the bleachers, too, like Tanaka, Sugawara, Ennoshita, Kageyama, and Hinata. You assumed that Coach Ukai probably cancelled practice that afternoon, so the boys were over at your game supporting the girl's team. Hinata, of course, cheered the loudest, but it confused you that Asahi would yell as loud as he did. He never yelled very often, unless he was playing volleyball.

The referee blew the whistle and you snapped back into reality. High toss, follow through, aim for back row, get it over the net. Simple, right? You asked yourself. You took a deep breath, tossed the ball at the perfect height, and made contact right at the peak of the toss. It zoomed right over the net, so close that it didn't look like it even made it over. It went deep back row, almost out, and then just dropped. Seijoh didn't even know what to do with it, ending up in a service ace, and 15 points on the board for your team. The Karasuno boys went wild. You heard Asahi over all of them.

You went back again for another great serve, but knowing the other team, they would get their act together quickly. It went right to the same spot, and middle-back was able to dig it and get it up to the setter, who tossed to the wing spiker, who killed the ball right in back row. They got a point, and it was their team's time to serve.

The ace of the team, the girl who had just killed the ball, was up to serve. She was tall, and she had a wicked serving and hitting arm. She could also block, and whenever she got up to block, her face looked cold and fierce. You knew she had a powerful jump serve, and you knew it was coming straight to back row, no question.

The referee blew the whistle, and you got ready. Bring it, bring it, bring it, bring it, bring it, bring it... you thought to yourself. Everything got very silent when she began her approach. She tossed the ball way up high, took a few steps, jumped higher than you could ever dream, and slammed the ball. It came rapidly to the middle-back position, and the libero was able to dig it up, but it went long and over the net, resulting in another power play by Aoba-Johsai.

23-15. We're not done yet. We are not done yet, you thought to yourself. The ace served again, coming even faster and more powerful this time, but you couldn't get to the ball in time.

Match point for Seijoh. We can't be done yet. We just can't be done yet! The ace was about to serve again, and you could tell by the smirk on her face directed right at you that the ball was coming straight to your spot. You positioned yourself, and she served.

You were right. It did come to you. It was short though, and it was coming fast.

It's not over yet!

You dove on the ground, knocking all the wind out of you.

We aren't done playing!

You made contact with the ball, and passed it up, in hopes that, somehow, maybe it would go over, or someone would be able to recover it.

We haven't lost yet!

All your faith was in that ball. It got up to front row, but it was too far away from the setter for them to be able to do anything with it. "Sorry, it's long!" you shouted in desperation, rolling out and heaving your tired body off the floor. It went up, and dropped on your side.

No one went for it. Nobody tried to get the ball. It just fell to the floor.

The whistle blew. You shook hands with the other team. It was all a blur, but what stuck with you the most was the look on the other team's ace's face when you shook hands. Her eyes looked like solid ice, and her facial expression was hard, disdainful, and something you would never forget.

After you met with your team and your coach dismissed you, you went over to the bleachers. The Karasuno boys were down waiting for you. "Good job," Kageyama said. "You fought hard, Y/N," Daichi said, patting your back. "You did amazing, Y/N!! Your serves were like, 'pow!' and, 'whoosh!' My serves aren't as good as your serves, but I wanna try to get mine just like yours!" Hinata raved. You thanked them all and tried to smile.

They walked away, and you looked for Asahi, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. You jumped around, trying to spot him in the dense crowd of fans leaving the gym. All of a sudden, you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you, "Y/N."

You whirled around, and the tall, shy brunette Asahi was right there. He did a sad, half smile and opened his arms for a hug, and you lost it. You collapsed in his arms, and silently sobbed into his chest. He gripped the back of your head protectively and he held you for a good few minutes, saying nice, comforting words.

You held onto his sweater. You loved it when he wore sweaters. You remembered when you went as his date for one of the school dances at Karasuno because some of his teammates teased him for going alone. It wasn't anything romantic, but after everyone had left, you went outside, laid down in the grass and watched the stars. Asahi wore his sweater that night, and it was on a rare occasion that he didn't wear it. The two of you stayed out there until 2 am, until you were both drifting in and out of sleep. In the middle of speaking tired nonsense, Asahi randomly said something like, "I like you a lot" or "I love you a lot." You couldn't really remember, and you just figured he didn't mean it because you can say some weird things when you're half-asleep. But over time, he started to display that in his actions and words towards you. Maybe he did love you.

You brought yourself back to the present. You were in his arms again, and he was calming you down. You finally stopped crying, and Asahi let go of you. "Are you okay now?" he asked with a concerned smile. You nodded, sniffed, and smiled the best you could. "Hey, you did great tonight, no matter what the scoreboard said. You're a great volleyball player, Y/N. It'll be alright." Azumane reassured you.

He gave you a kiss on the forehead. Immediately your cheeks turned red as ripe strawberries and hot as fire. Asahi wrapped his arm around you. "Now," he said, "Why don't we go into town and get something to eat?"

You were happy and content. Even though the match against Aoba-Johsai didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, you played your best and you had a friend who supported you through it all. And, you were pretty sure he meant what he said that night watching the stars. So yeah, you were very, very happy.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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