Teen Wolf (based on season 1) The Bite

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"Stiles! What are you doing?!" Something was happening outside, and it was nearly 3 am! I was trying to sleep this whole day but, of freaking course Scott and, and... Stiles, just love to disrupt my happiness. There was even more babbling going on outside about a murder case, and I honestly did not want to get any more involved.

I pull myself out of my bed. My legs were failing on me and my arms were too heavy for my body. But, I managed to tuck loose strands of hair out of my face and I opened the window.

There was just too much commotion going on outside of my damn windowsill!

"Scott!" I yell way too loud that even I'm surprised at myself.

"How about you take your boyfriend home already!" I say too harshly as well.

I slam the windowsill shut, and just like that it was over. I pull my sleeves down to reach my fingers. While I did that I was busy engulfing myself in the comforter making sure that not a single cold shard of wind hits me. I was pouting my lips under the covers. That was how pissed I was.

Again, in the middle of the night there was more commotion.

I found the will to drag myself out of bed again.

I walked into the hallway, and Scott was at the base of the stairs, finding a way to get to the top. He still hadn't noticed me. I made my way to the very top of the stairs. I knew he was hurt, but I didn't know how badly. I didn't think much more of it, so I just ran down the maple wood stairs to assist him.

"What are you doing?" He manages to breath.

Was he seriously asking me that? Here he was, wreaked at the bottom of the stairs. No wonder why he nearly failed last semester.

"Scott, what happened to you!" I say as I attempt to lift him up. I manage to bring him onto the granite counter. I carefully roll him on his back.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." He slurred, trying to lift himself off the table.

I quickly slap his bicep making him fall back down to the table.

I rolled my eyes, and went to the cabinet. There was a safety kit; there were scissors, needs, Band-Aids, gauze. Anything you'd need for an emergency. Well, a real one at that.

The scissors quickly tore a line through his shirt. The blood wasn't just a cover up for a petty wound. It was a full blown massacre wound.

I nearly passed out. I couldn't even touch it without getting a sick feeling in my stomach. I guess this is what I get for such a rebellious brother, huh?

I grabbed a Q-Tip and went in cleaning it gently. There were indentations here and there, there were literally small craters were the wound rested. Like someone tried to nab at him. I quickly wrapped him with some gauze.

I walked over to the living room quickly and came back with a light blanket. I left him on the counter. Not just because I was lazy, but mostly because he deserved to stay on a stone cold table. I tossed the blanket onto him, and I hopped up the steps.

Tonight I lay facing towards the ceiling. The bed was still very comfortable, but I was shaking in my little boots.

What did Stiles bring him into this time?

Only if dad were to see him now...

I mean, if he cared.

(Hello! This is Maria. I just want to thank you guys for your support especially on my teenwolf series! But, this one is just starting from the beginning. I hope you very much enjoy this chapter. These are going to be a little bit on the short side, so I have more to give out to you guys. Maybe in like February these chapters may be longer!



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