The question

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It's been 4 days since you came to the school and it's friday and you barely woke up

Y/n: *Yawn what time is it?

*Looks at clock

Y/n: 5:30 I still have a lot of time

You get ready and you eat breakfast

Y/n: I'm going to turn on the tv

*Tv turns on


Y/n: That's too loud *turns volume down

Time skip

I saw Umaru and Ebina chan talking so I decided to talk to them

Y/n: Hi guys

Umaru: Hi

Ebina chan: H-hi

Umaru: How do you like the school

Y/n: It's great

Umaru: So I was thinking do you want to....

Y/n: Do what?

Umaru: Go out... on a date?

Y/n: *blushes Don't you think this is a bit too fast for a relationship I mean I bare-

Umaru: Please!

Y/n: Fine.... When is the date

Umaru: in 1 week

Y/n: See ya in 1 week at your house

Y/n: *Calls F/n

F/n: Sup Y/n how is it over there

Y/n: It's great and i need to tell you something

F/n: What is it

Y/n: I'm going on a date

F/n: With who

Y/n: A girl from school her name's Umaru. She's cute,smart,and calm

F/n: It looks like you really like her

Y/n: I do

F/n: You better not mess this up

Y/n: ok bye

F/n: Bye

Time skip

I got home tired from school and decided to watch tv

Y/n: lets see whats on tv


Gaz: Shut up dib I'm trying to play with my gameslave

Time skip

Y/n: I can't believe I'm going on a date with Umaru. Since it's friday I'm staying up late.

Himouto Umaru X Reader MaleWhere stories live. Discover now