Chapter One: 000

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If you liked this and want to read more, please check out the full story called The Eye of Chaos. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

Phase One Begin.

She swung onto the adjacent building and as her hand let go of the railings, she leaped into the air. Landing lightly on a moldy roof she crossed it quickly and she flew from roof top to roof top, all the while staying hidden by the night's shadows.

A knife flew towards her head, making her duck and dodge evasively. She spotted one man on her left, armed with a dagger, and three men directly behind her on an opposite building. There was a glint of something metallic reflecting the moonlight and she dived behind an old bock of wood. It seemed to be part of some kind of rooftop shop.

There was a loud thump as something embedded itself into the wood.

Arrow. Metallic arrow head.

Judging by how long it took for the next arrow to stick itself in the board she deduced the distance of the archers and their numbers.

A man sprinted out of the shadows, not three feet from her with a broad sword in hand. Immediately she sprawled and landed on her stomach, lashing her feet at the attacker. As he fell onto his back yelling, she leaped to her feet and swiftly struck at him, only he twisted his neck to the side and the blade scraped his cheek. She stabbed down at his neck but he shoved her off of him and the dagger embedded itself into his chest.

He was incredibly swift with expert precision, but she was better. When he came at her with a thrust, she blocked and countered with a kick to the head which missed him by a hair. As he ducked she continued her kick in an arcing motion, breaking the man's outstretched arm. She then grabbed the arm and spun around, digging her heel into the man punctured lung.

He gasped for air, but before he could recover or yell for help she threw herself at him, slapped one hand against his mouth and sprung her hidden blade out from the depth of her sleeve. The beautiful silver dagger exploded forward, and buried itself into his windpipe.

She looked into his eyes and watched as the life bled out from them. He gave one last shuttering breath and then his body spasmed. Holding his body still, she waited for it to settle and die. When at last that body stopped shaking, she released her grip.

Phase Two Start.

She quickly stripped the man down, removing his void black shirt, pants, and cloak. Taking off her clothes as well-a bland white and green shirt and trousers-she put on the stolen pair. Her eyes roamed over her surroundings and found a large box, in which she stuffed the man inside. Before he could fit she broke multiple bones of his in rapid succession until he fit snug like. Except for the fact that he was long since dead.

Finally she cut herself in the arm, leaving a deep gash and yelled out in a deep voice. The same one she had heard when tripping him. Assuming they knew her gender she decided to improvise with her situation. "She escaped." She yelled, her voice assuming the man's. "Down into the alley. I'll catch up."

Without responding the others dashed in front of her, soon followed by the archers. She waited thirty seconds before picking herself up and resuming her position: hidden by the shadows.

As she rounded a corner a couple blocks from the fight a man bumped into her. His beard was slightly grown, showing that he had money but was lazy. His hair was nicely cut. Money. And he wore clothes made out of materials she had never seen before. They appeared smooth and comfortable, with poofed out cufflinks.

"Pardon me." He spoke softly without any anger or reprimand. He wasn't from here. Not from Vraik. Otherwise he would have checked his pocket the moment he bumped into her.

She simply nodded in response, wanting nothing more than to report the success of her mission and sleep.

"My name is Alfonso Rescon." He smiled politely. "I'm from the upper parts. And as you can see I'm lost." She looked at him, resentment causing the left side of her upper lip to twitch. People from the upper parts of the City Vraik had no idea what the lower part was like. The Upper parts of the City Vraik was the only part in the entire Vraik, the country, were it was safe. "I'm heading for Velcron Academy. Can you direct me? Um... what is your name?"

Upon hearing the name of the Academy her guard was immediately put up, and she slipped her dagger out of her back pocket. Apparently Alfonso noticed her movement and the smile dropped from his face, all niceties disappearing.

"What is wrong with all you scum? I knew that we of the upper should simply kill all of you. It's not like you are of any use." With that he threw a punch at her face, his handsome features replaced by the ugliness which had taken root in his heart.

She dodged the punch and kicked him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Still gazing at him, she smiled, unable to hide her amusement.

"Who are you? No one should be able to do that to me. I am part of the elite force of the upper army!" His face contorted into rage. "How dare you kick me? Who are you?" Finally she opened her mouth and answered.

"My name is 000." His face blanked out and he screamed. Had he finally figured out who she was?

"You're the one who escaped the Academy! 000, or as you go by now-" Before he could finish she stabbed him through with her dagger, slicing upwards with all she could until he was in two.

Phase Three Complete. Mission succeeded.

"Kylla." She whispered. "Kylla."

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