(2) The rest of my body

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Word count : 1380


Lilith POV

I will definitely not be going to work like this,I look like I just died. I'll have to call in sick.

I grabbed my phone and dialed my bosses number and said I was sick and could not come to work. Afterwards I called my bestie Kaiya.
She decided to come over to chill with me since she didn't have to go to work on mondays.

As I waited for her I started watching Netflix and decided to change my clothes at the same time.I put in a plain dark blue v neck T-shirt,jeans and black converse.

About 5 minutes later there was knocking at my door from which I assumed was Kaiya.I opened the door.

As she stepped in she hugged her and took off her shades."So tell me about this 'dream' you had" she said,her said tilted

As we walked down the hall and to my room I began to explain everything.
"If felt all so real...it was..scary really" I said "It was weird...i was in some rich kid looking house and some guy kissed me...and mabey a little more"I said blushing slightly. She nudged my waist with her elbow while smirking she said "Wow somebody's even getting some in her sleep" She giggled
I giggled a little along with then went back to being serious

"Also when I woke up-" I started before kaiya cut me off "What the hell is on your neck??"She said squinting at it "Is that a tattoo?" She said as I quickly raised my hand to cover it but as soon as my skin made contact with it I felt a burning sensation making me jerk my hand away wincing.

"Did you see that?" I asked Kaiya as my eyes widened "See what?? Girl we need to go out and have some drinks and shit you probably need a break from work" she said smiling

'How the hell did she not see my neck..I know I'm not crazy..at least I think' I though to myself "Anyways ..Kaiya continued what does 'M.G.' stand for?"she asked taking in the details of the mark on my neck.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion "M.G.?" She made a duh face "The tattoo" I shrugged as I sat down on the bed "I dunno but I hope to find out soon"I said looking down at my lap. She raised my chin so I was looking at her "What happened to the fun giggly Lilith I'm used too??" I shrugged again and giggled a little "Shit,I don't know where she is either"

~ Later that day ~

"Noooow that I've got your fun side back let's go paaarty~" Kaiya said smiling from ear to ear "I guess...I mean its not like I have anything better to do" I shrugged them smiled.
"YAAAY" kaiya screamed. I grabbed onto her shoulders "Chill..we're not even there yet." I said in between laughing .

After a hour of going through my clothes I decided on wearing *picture* with black pumps

Kaiya did my makeup which was a smoky cat eye with nude lipstick.I spun around on my chair "And what club are we going to?" I asked "I heard there was this new club down town we could go to.I believe it was called lost angles..."she answered and we were off

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