Chapter 3

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The cats in the party ran to see what Owlclan was doing in their territory. The party of cats heard a yowl and a Owlclan cat pounced  on Loinclaw. Loinclaw fliped over and was on the cat. They scratched each other as hard as they could. "Guys watch out!" yowled Loinclaw pointing his nose to some more intruders. Willowpelt swiped at Shadowstream, a OwlClan cat. Hawkeye was working on the deputy of Owlclan. Willowpelt bit into Shadowstreams neck and Silverstream gave a loud yowl. Willowpelt saw her bleeding but didnt feel too bad because she was an intruder. Soon the Owlclan leader came, Nightstar. He didnt know this was happening. "Stop right now!" he yowled. "What is all of this non-sense?"  Oh no! Thought Willowpelt. " We don't know NightStar!" Said one OwlClan cat. "We over heard you saying we were going to attack today." Whispered a OwlClan cat to his leader. "No. But be quiet!" NightStar yowled  to his clan cat. All of the OwlClan cats ran to their territory. WillowPelt walked with the others to their clan. "Loinclaw!" Loinclaw turned around seeing the medicen  cat.  "We need to give you Spider webs, those wounds look pretty bad." Said the medicen cat to Loinclaw. Loinclaw walked over the her den. Willowpelt walked to the den where her friend walked into. He slept in a bed with no cat sound.

It was the next morning and Willowpelt was sent on a hunting party with her mentor. Her mentor was Hawkeye. "Ready Willowpelt?" Said her mentor. Willowpelt nodded her head. She was thinking of when she bit into the first Vole. They walked around the clan looking and sniffing the air for prey. "Willowpelt, smell that? It's a rabbit nearby" Said Willowpelts mentor. Willowpelt sniffed the air smelling a fresh rabbit nearby. The bushes shook of a rabbit jumping in the bush. Willowpelt got in a hunting crouch and stalked up. Willowpelt pounced on that rabbit biting into its neck killing it. She buried the rabbit so she can get it later when she returns back at camp. Willowpelt and her mentor kept going into the forest, and Willowpelt was seeing new things and places she's never been too before. Willowpelt and Hawkeye wer walking back to camp as Willowpelt grabbed her rabbit's she caught and Hawkeye held one Vole. Willowpelt was haven an order to feed the elders. She gave Ravenheart a vole, then fed the rest of the elders. She grabbed herself a rabbit and ate it. It was almost sunset so she went to sleep in the Apprentices den while she could.

It was the next morning and Willowpelt walked out of her den seeing her mentor, Hawkeye talking to Darkstar, the clan leader. "Tell Lionclaw to make the dawn patrol please Hawkeye, and that's an order this time!" said the leader. "yes Darkstar." answered Hawkeye. Hawkeye was walking towards Loinclaw and gave him the order. "Okay so Hawkeye may you lead the dawn patrol? Okay if yes then Hawkeye, Swiftpaw, and Willowpelt is in the dawn patrol." Yea I'm in my first patrol! Thought Willowpelt to herself. She looked around and seeing the whole clan staring at her. "Uhhh.." She mumbled and then the clan continued doing what they were doing.

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