Chapter 1: Another Typical Year...

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If you do not prefer to read the character's name, then when you read it you can use another name in your head. I prefer to see a real name other than (y/n) because it makes it feel more like a story.


Winnie McGinnis may not be a well-known student at Hogwarts, but she is insanely smart and is noticed by her peers, even Hermione studies with her at times. However, she has always wanted something more, not necessarily fame, but she wanted something mortal. She wanted something that was down to Earth. She wanted to experience the feeling of love, no matter how corny or childish it may have sounded. Yet, she figured it wouldn't happen and it would be another typical year...


Winnie plopped herself down on her Aunt Marie's couch, Hogwarts Letter in hand. She slid her nimble fingers under the wax seal and broke it, revealing her return letter and supply list. Her eyes shifted from left to right, skimming the things she needed. 

"Hmm...Books, books, dress robes, books, and more books. Looks like I got to go shopping today," Winnie groaned, "at least I can go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour."

She folded the supply list in half and in half again then gently placed it in her pocket.  She pulled a faded black, nearly blue, jumper over her head and smoothed out her sandy brown hair. 

"Auntie Marie, I'm heading out to get some school supplies!" She yelled up the stairs. An unclear response echoed back down to Winnie, which she assumed was a yes.

She slung a salmon-colored knit purse over her shoulder, coins  jingling inside, and  simultaneously shoved her feet into worn-out fur-lined boots.  Winnie walked over to the coat rack and reached inside the pocket of her school robe, out she produced a wand of adequate length. It was a 15 3/4" fir wood with a Phoenix feather at its core. She placed it in her purse and waltzed out the door.

She strutted down the street watching all the muggles strolling along. It was a ways down before she could signal the Knight Bus safely. Her mind began to race with thoughts and memories as she made her way to the "bus stop".  She thought of her parents. 

Her father, Hugh, was  still alive, but he wasn't capable of taking care of Winnie since her mother's passing. He had a mental breakdown and had to be sent to St. Mungo's, even though his mental state wasn't created by magical maladies, normal muggle asylums would not know how to fix him. Winnie's mother was a muggle and unfortunately she was  incredibly ill when she gave birth to Winnie, inevitably dying. Since her mother was an only child and her parents had been long deceased, the only family Winnie and her father had was his sister and her husband. That's how she ended up with Marie and Fergus Gregor. They were both wizards, as was Hugh, yet they lived in the muggle suburbs. 


Out of nowhere, a voice shouted out at Winnie. She turned and immediately recognized the shabby-looking conductor, Stan Shunpike. 

"I've been yelling at you for a whole minute! Hurry on up will you!" Stan shouted at Winnie as she hopped aboard the knight bus. 

"I'm sorry. I was in a daze. What do I owe you? And how did you know to pick me up now?" Winnie questioned him.

He scratched his scabby brows and turned his attention back to her, "Nothing. And today's the day letters came out so I figured you'd need a ride to The Leaky Cauldron." 

He winked and pointed to a seat in the front of the bus. She was a regular on the knight bus during the summer. She frequented, not only at The Leaky Cauldron, but she also used it to go to the muggle libraries and other destinations. It was simply faster than any other muggle transportation and much more affordable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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