Craig and baby songs

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"Y/N it's time to wake up you lazy fuck your friends are here " B/N yelled from downstairs.Flipping over I groaned "mother fucker it's Saturday why are they here so early?!" I shouted back sitting up and yawning."Its 12:30..early my ass" I heard B/N mumble to my 'friends' downstairs

Getting out of bed I swung my door open and trudged down the stair case "sup fuckers,fuck is this house cold or is it me" I yawned rubbing my eyes 

"No its your choice in pajamas" I heard a voice say followed by a laugh.Kyles voice.shit.looking up I saw Stan, Kyle,Kenny,and Fatass.

"Mhm nice panties" Kenny said winking 

"Gee thanks I really try"I said sarcasticly."uh you're not gonna change?" Stan asked "But I'm already downstairs,why you gotta make life hard Stanley?" I pouted and walked backed up the stairs.


"Fuck its cold" I said getting hit by the cold air as I stepped outside

"So you're still gonna try and befriend Craig's gang?" Kenny asked."it wouldn't hurt to try" I said answering his question

"Craig's a dick,you shouldn't go" cartman said making snowbalks

"Like you're better?" Kyle said while Stan snickered."Shut the fuck up you stupid ginger Jew"

"well we'll catch up with you later then Y/N" Stan said laughing at what Kyle had said before."yeah..bye" Kenny mumbled

"Bye guys" I waved and began walking 

'What if I say the wrong things or humiliate myself or if they humiliate me.I'll be the laughing stock at school.What if I was wrong about Craig and he really is a dick what if his whole groups a dick what if th-' I lost my train of thought when I ran into someone and stumbled backwards

"Shit~I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I apologized and looked up at a tall figure.

"Watch where your going" he said sounding...plain.Craig!Just the guy I'm looking for.

"Hey I said I was sorry,where's your apology for knocking me down you tall fuck?" I said staring up at him with a smirk "sorry" "that's right you are..fear me" I joked

"As if" he snickered

"Excuse me what's that suppose to mean fucker?" I shot

"Well shorty you're not scary-so don't try." He said attempting to burn me and began walking

"Ouch 'shorty' I'm wanna add some lemon juice to that cut?" I said rolling my eyes and followed while Craig shaked his head.

"Their a reason you following me?" He said looking straight ahead 

"God you're just so fucking hot,fuck me hard-no I'm here to hang out" I said looking for a reaction out of him and received a flustered look.

"Guess you weren't expecting that response were you?" I said walking right beside him."Yep,your response just hit me right in the face" he replied 


"you want a sticker with that?"

"Wow ass" I said to myself

"What was that?" He asked still walking

"Nothing don't worry you pretty plain face about it" I said dodging his question

"What's your plan" he said stopping "what?" I said stopping beside him "you just join Stan's team then hang with me? What's up?" He said rephrasing his question

"I'm not on anyone's team..I just thought we can if I hung with both of you we could all meet somewhere and you guys can patch up everything that happened in the past" I said quietly 

"heh,fat chance" that's exactly what Cartman said


 "Did I stutter" he shot and began walking again

"Why do you always sound so sad?" I said looking down


"You heard me,you always sound sad,why?" 

"I don't know,that's just how I sound" he said sounding different as if he tried to sound happier

"Oh..I'm sorry if I made you feel bad,I didn't mean it..I just wanted to ask you" I apologized 

"What? No I could care less.."He said rejecting my attempt to apologize

"You're my honeybunch, sugar plum
You're my sweetie pie" I sang

"What are you doing?" He said shiftng his eyes to meet mine."Happy song"

"You're my cuppycake, gumdrop
Snoogums, boogums, you're
The apple of my eye" I continued

"Yeah that's not necessary" he said trying to stop me

"And I love you so
And I want you to know
That I'll always be right here" I sang making a kissey face

"Please dont say that"

"And I want to sing
Sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear..." I finished

"You done yet?" That being said I hugged him from behind

"Done,did you love it" I said giving him a cheesey smile

"Like more than love I give it a 6.2,two points taken for hugging me" he said giving a smirk.I melted."why can't you accept my kindness?" I asked looking hurt

"Singing me a baby song  isn't kind its torture" 

"So you didnt like me singing?" I said making a puppy face 

"I never said that" he said correcting me.I can't believe he said that.

"Why thank you",I wasn't expecting that out of you" I confessed

"Just like the baby song I was surprised"

"And I got got plenty of more if you wan to hear them" I offered wiggling my eyebrows

"Please don't" he pleaded along with flipping me 


"God no" he grouched

"H,I,J,K,L,M,N-mhf" I muffled by Craig's hand over my mouth

"MFH !"

"Stop sin-,the fuck did you lick my hand" he yelled taking is hand from my mouth and wipping my saliva and someone who walked by

"Don't cover my mouth you fuck,I was in the middle of a beautiful song" I said sticking my tounge out.

"Beautiful my ass,and your so immature Y/N" he said rolling his eyes

"No if anything I am mature,I'm the god damn deffinition of mature" I corrected 

"Yeah you're the exact opposite of it" 

"But you love it"

"I guess"

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