a/n:Im a filipina so why not? picture below cause i cant barely explain what it looks like
Blake: (Ube Jam)
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*opens the jar* "Its purple" Blake said "obviously lol" Author Lia said (its meh) "here" *as I give him a table spoon* "how does it taste"Author Lia asked "It looks awful at first but it really tastes good, plus I could taste the fresh milk blended here"Blake said and eat a spoonful "Could I take some of these in london?" Blake asks "Of Course" Author Lia said.
George: (Pastillas)
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*looks at it, sniffs* "It looks good" George said "What is this again?" George asked and grab a one box and put it in his bag "Pastillas or Pastillas de Leche is a milk-based confectionery which originated in the town of San Miguel in Bulacan, Philippines" Author Lia said "ohh, It really tastes good, mum should taste this" George said "Awee"
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(actually, this sweet should be packed so just, get onto it) *unwrapped the espasol* "oh-"Reece said while catching the particles (lol idk what does it called) "Awee its okay Reece, I'll just teach you how to eat it" Author Lia said as Reece eat the bite size "Its delicious, Actually I remembered you while Im eating this" Reece said "And why?" Author Lia asked "Because you just like them when you apply your foundation or powder to your face" Reece chuckled "Ha ha youre so corny" as Author Lia rolled her eye "btw Espasol or Baye-Baye is a cylinder-shaped Filipino rice cake originating from the province of Laguna. It is made from rice flour cooked in coconut milk and sweetened coconut strips, dusted with toasted rice flour"