Trying Times (Niall)

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   It was a cold winter morning as you laid in bed, slowly beginning to wake up, thanks to the cold winter air that slipped through your window and nipped at your skin. You pulled your blanket over your shoulders as you slowly began to blink open your sleepy, blurry eyes. You opened your eyes to find an empty spot next to you with a little bit of an imprint of a body that had been lying there. You all of the sudden had a feeling of loneliness rush upon you like a sweeping wind. You felt a tiny tear trickle down your cheek and hit your pillow. You were tired of going to bed alone and waking up to the empty spot of where your husband, Niall, had laid that night but because of miscommunicated time, you never got to see anymore. "This is not how this is supposed to be." You thought to yourself, as you laid there. You longed for your husband to be there with you, and experience life with you, but for as long as you could remember he was always working. Always in the studio, always on tour, always at signings, and always getting home at insane hours of the morning and then he would be off again before you would even have a chance to kiss him goodbye. It caused you great pain, because you loved Niall with all of your heart. You knew you two were always destined to be together. Times may have changed a lot since you two first got together, but your love for him never would. You honestly didn't know if he even felt that way anymore, as you couldn't remember the last time the two of you even had a conversation together. You slowly made your way out of bed, and you grabbed one of Niall's sweaters you found lying on the ground at the foot of the bed. You slipped the sweater over your cold body. You made your way to the kitchen, and made yourself a pot of coffee. As the smell of fresh brewed coffee filled the air, you sat in a chair near your living room window as rain poured outside. You looked at your phone to see if you had received any texts. Deep down, you were longing for a text from Niall that would say something along the lines of, "Good morning   beautiful, I'm sorry I didn't get to kiss you goodbye this morning. Can't wait to see you tonight! ❤" Or better yet, maybe you'd have a missed call from him that you would eagerly return, but no. Your phone had nothing but the time, 7:15 am, and the temperature which read "30°". The sad thing was, you probably wouldn't see him tonight. You would probably end up going to bed long before he got home, as usual, and then it would start all over again. "What does he do all day..." You couldn't help but wonder, because the two of you certainly never talked about it. It would seem to most that you had everything. A nice house, nice cars, and an income that would certainly never go dry, but what you didn't have was the love and attention of Niall Horan, and that was all you wanted. You would daydream about the two of you going on exciting adventures together, or him bringing you flowers after you've had a long day, or the two of you dancing in the moonlight. You had that once, all of that and more. "Where did it all go?" You would get sick of repetitively asking yourself. You would often stare at your and Niall's wedding picture. You loved to see the two of you together, happy and in love. You truly wondered what he thought about all of this, but you never would ask. You began to go on with your day as you pushed all that was going on to the back of your head, as you usually has to find the strength to do. You looked at the time, and began getting ready for work. Your job was writing articles for a magazine. You loved your job, and found it to be a great way to pass the time. You arrived to work and your coworkers greeted you. They all knew you were the wife of thee Niall Horan, but they all saw you as a friend. You got to your desk to find your assignment of the day: to write an article about the recent achievements of famous golfer, Rory McIlroy. You knew Niall was good friends with Rory. Next to the assignment lied the picture you were to use for the article. Wouldn't you know it. It was a picture of Rory and Niall, accompanied by some of his other friends. You picked up the picture and couldn't help but stare into Niall's sparkling blue eyes. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. Oh how you loved your blonde Irish boy, and you grieved over the fact that you just missed him so much. You got to work on the article right away. All of the sudden, you began to feel nauseous. You had been feeling that way the past couple days, but figured you were getting the flu. It made sense, considering the weather. Your boss, William Jones, walked by to check up on how the article was coming along. "You're not looking very well!" He said with a concerned tone in his voice. "It's okay, I'll be fine." You replied, knowing you could push through it. "All you do is work. Go home and rest. I'm worried about you." William said. "Maybe you're right." You replied, as you gathered your things to leave. You got home and began to feel worse. You made yourself a hot cup of tea, and then went to bed. As you were drifting off to sleep, you heard what sounded like the front door slamming shut. "Niall must have gotten off early today." You thought to yourself, but you were much too tired and nauseous to get out of bed. You heard footsteps shuffle up to the bedroom door, and at that point you drifted off to sleep. You woke up to the unfamiliar feeling of someone else's presence next to you. You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself wrapped in Niall's arms as he slept. You stared at his angelic face. You cupped his face with your hand and lightly stroked his cheek with your thumb. It had been a couple weeks since Niall had held you in his sleeping arms, so you treasured every second. You drifted off to sleep again. This time you woke up to a loud thunder clap, and realized that your bedroom window was wide open, and rain was pouring through. You quickly got up and shut the window, but it left you soaked. You suddenly realized that Niall was no longer there, and you couldn't tell if what happened earlier was a dream or not. You still weren't feeling well, so you figured a hot shower might help. You had done your best the past couple of days to fight off any sickness. "I guess it won." You thought to yourself. As you made your way to the bathroom, you felt yourself about to throw up. You ran to the toilet, and quickly lifted up the lid so you could do so. "I can't be pregnant." You thought to yourself, harshly pushing away your instinct feeling. "How would I tell Niall??" You worried. Things were already hard enough and it broke your heart to picture your child growing up without Niall being around. You showered yourself off and then made your way to the kitchen, because you were getting really hungry. You stood there wrapped in a towel, wet hair and all, staring into the fridge. You realized just how much you had been craving pickles recently. "No. I'm not pregnant!" You thought to yourself, once again. You started to break down crying. You couldn't fight it anymore. You knew you had to be pregnant. You felt it in your bones. Your face was buried in your hands as your tears hit the kitchen floor. You were startled to feel someone grasp you from behind. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" You heard Niall ask, in a deep comforting voice. You couldn't believe he was still here. You thought he had left. You turned around and looked him in the eyes. It hurt him to see your red eyes filled with tears. "I-I don't know how to tell you this Niall." You began. "I think I might be-..." You started to cry again. Niall hugged you close to him, and began to slowly sway side to side. "Shh.. I know." He said softly. "Wait... You know??" You looked at him in shock. "Yes. I went by your work earlier today to see you and they told me all about it. The ladies there told me how you have been showing the signs and symptoms." He said in his deep Irish voice, with a comforting tone as he held you tight. This was not at all how you thought he'd react. "How are we going to do this, Niall?" You asked with a sad and sorrowful tone. He knew what you were referring to. "I'm taking a break." He replied. "What??" You asked. "I told them all today. I'm going on a break. I can't tell you how much it kills me that the only time I get to see you anymore is when you're sleeping peacefully and I can't even ask you about your day. I think about you all day everyday, and it crushes my heart that I can't be home with my precious angel!" He was speaking loudly and passionately. "I want to be here for you, and with all that's always going on I can never make the time, and I'm done with it!" You stood there in disbelief. You had no idea that that was how he felt about all of this. A tear rolled down your cheek and Niall wiped it away. "Please don't cry, baby. It kills me to see you cry." You were still standing there in your towel and wet hair. "Things are going to start changing around here." He said, looking you in the eyes. "I'm going to be here for you and our little baby Horan." He said, placing his warm hand on your stomach, then leaning in for a passionate kiss. You hugged him tight, and in that moment, the love between you two grew to such a deeper, stronger level that you never even imagined could ever exist, and you knew that everything was going to be alright.

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