I knew you were trouble {Destiel High School AU}

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(A/N Cas & Dean look like what they look like in the cover)


"C'mon Dean! You're no fun!" Balthazar whines. I push my glasses up to the middle of my nose and say: "Fine, just this once though!" I really didn't like when I was called 'boring' and 'no fun' and things like that. I know how to have fun, just my fun isn't going to parties getting drunk and doing drugs.

"The party is at nine, are you gonna drive there or do I need to get you?"
"Erm I'll drive, where is it and who's throwing the party?" I ask tugging on my back pack strap.
"I'll write down the address for you" He says pulling out a paper and writing it down then handing it to me. "And it's Castiel Novak's party! It's going to be so epic!" He says pumped.
Great. Castiel Novak's party, I here a lot of bad things happen at his parties.
"Yay!" I say sarcastically.
"Alright well I got to go, man, see you tonight!" Balthazar says then jogs off.


What do I even wear to this kind of thing? I never go to parties so I have no idea what to wear-or do.

I make up my mind and throw on a black casual button up shirt and some jeans. I glance at the time: 8:45. I guess I should get going so I can find this guys house.

I walk down stairs. "Hey Booby, I'm going to a party with Balthazar, I'll be back around midnight." I say looking at Bobby as he sat on the couch. "Ok, you boys be good." He says with a wave. "I will." I promise then walk outside. I get in my car and start driving.


It took me about 30 minutes to get there. There is cars everywhere, it looks like as if the whole school is here. Everyone loves his party and I hear they have so much fun every time. But like I said before I heard some bad things happened before. There was also a rumor that someone got shot at his party before, I never figured out exactly what happened there was to many rumors some say that Castiel did it and others say that Benny did it and some even said that Lisa did it-but I know Lisa and she wouldn't do something like that, especially when she has her son Ben to look after.

I sigh, turn off my car, and get out. I walk up to the house, there was loud music already playing. This is going to be a long night.

"Well look who showed up!!" Anna says hopping down the stairs and giving me a hug. I hug back awkwardly and put on a fake smile. "Oh I didn't know Dean-o was coming!" Gabriel says coming up behind me.

Why do they always make a big deal out of everything? "Oh Dean doesn't go to the party he's boring!" "Dean shows up to the party what is he doing here?" They make a big deal out of everything. I wish they would just get off my back.

Me, Gabriel, and Anna talk outside for a while. Then Balthazar, Ruby, and Benny showed up and started talking with us.

We talk till about ten o'clock then decide to head inside.

I'm the last one in and when I shut the door I swear I can't even hear myself think. Loud music was blaring. People were shouting. People were everywhere and in about an hour all these people will be drunk and grinding on each other.

I couldn't think about anything else but: I want to get out of here.

"You want a drink?" Balthazar asks me. I shake my head in denial.

I walk away from the crowd-which wasn't easy cause there was literally people EVERYWHERE.

I find myself in a boys bedroom, no one was in here thank god. There were rock posters everywhere. The room was a mess. And it smelled like cigarettes. It had to be Castiel's room-as far as I know he doesn't have any siblings so who else's room could it be?

I throw an AC-DC shirt off the bed and sit down. What was I doing here? I don't want to be here. I complain to myself.

I stand up ready to go back downstairs. But Castiel himself comes in. He looks me up and down, in a judging way.
"Erm I was just, looking for a bathroom." I stutter.
I walk past him and back downstairs.

Well that was awkward.


It was now 11pm and my prediction was right. All the people were drunk and grinding on the nearest person to them-it was actually quiet funny to watch the drunk teenagers dance.

I was over in a corner and the nearest person was about five feet away until a boy and girl comes over and starts making out. I grunt then walk away.

Anna (who was also drunk) came over to me. "Come dance!" She yells and grabs my hand.

I try to say no but she drags me into the grinding train. I was being smushed up between Anna (in front) and some guy. I try my best to squeeze out but I can't, it seems almost impossible.
I get a glimpse of who is
behind me he had a black Mohawk, when I get a better glimpse I figure out who it is. No way, I was grinding against Castiel Novak. I feel my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing? I mean yeah he is the sexiest boy in our whole school but he would never like me, anyways he is to bad. But I have to admit I have a pretty big crush on him, but I would never go out with him, like I said TOO BAD.
Maybe this grinding train
isn't to bad. I still feel awkward and want out but decided that that's not going to happen.
After a few minutes I get sick of this. I need out. I cant handle this I feel like I am going to barf. I try to stop but now I'm forced to keep grinding. I find Balthazar in the corner and I mouth "Help me!" to him. He notices instantly and comes to my rescue. He grabs my hand and pulls me out. "Thank you." I breathe.

Me and Balth walk over to a couch and sit down. "Soooo, how was it?!" He asks.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Grinding on your crush of course!" He yells over the music.
"Erm I don't know, I felt like I was going to throw up." I say honestly.
He laughs then gets back up to get another beer.

A few seconds after Balth leaves Castiel comes over and sits down. I sit still not knowing what to do. "You grind good, definitely a turn on." The smell of beer fills my nostrils as he whispers in my ear. What was he doing? What do I do?! I ask myself.
"And your drunk." I say glancing at the beautiful man.
"Than I guess your about to kiss a drunk man." He says before I can register it in my head then grabs my chin and presses his lips to mine. Beer. That's what his lips tasted like. If he wasn't drunk the kiss would've been amazing but he is so it doesn't count.
I pull back, catching my breath. "Let me take you to my room." He whispers in my ear.
"Why?" I ask.
"Cause I want to get to know you."
I thought about this for a few seconds. He doesn't mean it, he just wants to get laid. Anyways I wasn't ready for that yet. I just wish he meant it. I sigh then say: "Your drunk, you don't mean it, go find someone else." I say then get up and walk out of the house.

I get in my car and drive home. I couldn't get the kiss with Castiel out of my head. But I know that it didn't mean anything he was completely drunk.


When I get home I notice I smell like cigarettes from all the people that were smoking at the party so I hop in the shower.

When I get out I get dress then lay in my bed.

I think about my night.
I wonder if he meant the kiss. I rejected him and if he meant it then he's gonna think I don't like him. No. He was drunk he didn't mean it. It doesn't count. I tell myself. Which I don't know if that made it better or worse.

I sigh then pick up my book that was on my side table to try to get my mind off of Castiel Novak. Fail. I completely doze off thinking about the blue eyed punk rock kid. I put down the book, take off my glasses, and turn off my lamp so I could try to get some sleep.

I knew you were trouble {Destiel High School AU}Where stories live. Discover now