What do I need?

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So, you're asking yourself what you need to study Wicca and become a Wiccan... First of all, the beginner Wiccan needs their own Book Of Shadows.

But what is a Book Of Shadows?

A Book Of Shadows is a book containing religious texts and instructions for magical rituals found within the Neopagan religion of Wicca. You need this, because it will come in handy if you're looking for a certain ritual or spell, or even a religious text or two. Keep this book safe, because you'll definitely need this.

So what else do I need?

I do not believe you need this for all spells or rituals, but for a lot, you do need this.

It is called an 'altar.' An altar is a flat surface used for religious rituals.

What do you need in your altar?

In your altar, you need these things;

Pentacle (The Pentacle, a 5-point star within a circle, usually is placed in the centre of the altar. The pentacle is one of the most important altar tools, offering protection and power in magickal work.)
Athame (This is a ritual knife. It is one of the prime altar tools. An athame doesn't have to be metal. You can find ones made out of wood or carved stone, if you prefer. It's not used as a physical knife, anyway, but a symbolic one. Athames are used to direct energy, typically in casting ritual Circles and recalling them. They may also be used to cut energetic ties. Ordinarily, an athame is not used to cut anything on the physical plane.)
Bell (Bells are like the Voice of the Goddess. When you ring one, it brings the Divine's attention to you. And your attention to the Divine! A bell with a lovely tone will call beautiful, healing energy to you. Bells can also be used to clear energy. At the end of a ritual is a good time for this, but if unwanted energy crops up during a ritual, you can use the bell to disperse it.)
Candles (Direction candles. One candle for each of the directions, colour-coded, are often used on a Wiccan altar. One would go in each appropriate direction . . . For North: black, green, or brown||For East: yellow or white||For South: red or orange||For West: blue or aqua||For Centre, where you aren't using God and Goddess candles: white, silver, or gold. Candles are used to invoke and hold the Powers of each direction.)
Candles (God and Goddess candles. Often large candles, such as pillar candles, are used to represent the God and the Goddess. These are usually set on either side of the Pentacle, or somewhere in the centre of the altar. Other options are having just one large candle for the Great Goddess, or three - white, red, and black - for the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Where they go is up to you. These candles invoke the Energies of the Divine.)
Chalice (This is a type of cup. The Wiccan chalice is one of the most important altar tools. It signifies the Mother Goddess. Some people like very fancy bejeweled cups for their altar chalice, but this is not necessary. A cup or wine-type glass of any material will do, or even a bowl. Something that holds water and, ideally, is round or curvy is good. Silver is always nice for Goddess tools - a silver chalice is a perfect Wiccan chalice. The altar chalice is placed in the West, the direction of Water and the yinniest of yin.)
Deities (Images or representations of any gods and goddesses who are special to you are always welcome on an altar. Though of course we could not respectfully consider them "altar tools." They are more than reminders of Divinity. Statues of the gods and goddesses can actually hold the vibrations of the Divine. So your altar becomes a living temple - a place where the Divine dwells.)
Libation dish (A small dish, bowl, or cup can go in the centre, ready to receive offerings for the gods and goddesses. Later, pour or bury the offerings in the Earth, or into living water (rivers, lakes, etc) to carry them to the Divine.)
Offerings (When you would honour the Divine with a gift of thanks or prayer, you can bring them to the Altar as an offering. Often flowers are kept on the altar as an offering. Anything that is beautiful or special to you, or symbolic of the purpose for the offering, can be offered. It is probably not necessary to point out that offerings should not be anything that could harm anything (but just in case, I'll point it out anyway). Offerings are one of the most overlooked practices in Wicca today, yet one of increasing spiritual power and importance.
Scent/Feather (Some representation of air, commonly something scented like incense, essential oils, or smudges, or else a flying bird's feather goes in the East, to represent Air. Sacred scents are used to cleanse an area energetically, call in certain powers, or help witches shift consciousness. Feathers can also be used to cleanse energy fields, and to fan incense or smudge smoke.)
Stones/Crystals (For the Earth element, in the North, stones and sometimes crystals are used. These bring in Earth energy, which helps with grounding (except perhaps for quartz crystals). Gem stones also carry certain energies which can be invoked by having them on your altar.)
Wand (The wand is like a portable, handy version of a broom. There is a theory that originally one instrument performed all the purposes served by the two today. A wand can be made of any natural material. Wood is traditional. Since all woods have unique Powers, you may like to choose the wood to suit your particular needs. Wands can be used for divination and channeling magickal energy. They can be used to cast and recall circles, in place of the athame. The magickal wand goes in the South, for the power of will, magick, and transformation. It also represents yang, or god, energy.)

It seems like a lot, yes, but being a Wiccan is not easy at all. It takes a lot of work, and a lot of practice and learning, as well as loads of studying. (**Wiccans indeed can join covens if they want to. You can look online for such covens.**)

So far, this is what I have found that you need if you want to become a Wiccan. More will be added if more is found. For now, I must focus on the other parts of this book.

(TIP: In your Book Of Shadows, you may want to write these two rules: 1.) Whatever you do comes back to you times three. 2.) An ye harm done, do as ye will. (These phrases will be explained eventually.)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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