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"Man, I'm serious! She pulled me inside of the storage room but we didn't do something crazy though we just both hid." Kuroo said to his team mates then he buried his face to his arms.

Yaku bursted to laughter; he didn't believe Kuroo at all.

"Yaku, stop laughing!" Kuroo groaned.

"Why did you both hide, Kuroo-san?" Lev asked.

"I think she was in trouble then she ended up pulling me inside with her." Kuroo responded then he chuckled.

Yamamoto felt the envious inside of him. It's not like he likes the troublemaker girl or whatsoever.

"Did you get her name?" Yamamoto asked.

Kuroo shake his head and sighed, "Sadly no, I tried to but she ignored me." He responded, "But I'll ask Kenma about that." He said then he saw you walking inside of the cafeteria.

"She's here." Yamamoto said and they looked at you.

Then Kuroo approached you, "Hey, Ms. Troublemaker." He said with his usual smirk.

You boredly looked at him then looked back to your cellphone; clearly ignoring his existence.

"Hey, can I get your number and let's be friends." He said.

"How about we shave your bedhair first?" You shot back before sitting down on the empty table.

He whistled in embarrassment then he looked back to his team mates.

"Kuroo-san, I think you landed yourself on the sassy one." Lev said.

Yaku smirked, "Heh~ looks like she's not interested to you, Kuroo." He teased.

Kuroo scoffed, "Shut up, Yaku!" He said.

Kuroo scoffed, "Shut up, Yaku!" He said

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You rolled your eyes while sitting on the chair. The principal, which is your grandfather, are scolding you. You just broke the window pane like for how many times, you can't even count the troubles that you've had done.

"[name], I've had enough! You're gonna be the manager of the male's volleyball club whether you like it or not! You will spend your free time with them instead of goofing around the campus and break things or cause some troubles!" Your grandfather exclaimed.

Your eyes goes wide, "Wha-?! But-" You was cut off.

He shake his head, "No but's or else I'll suspend you. Now, go get there and Coach Nekomata is waiting for you at the gym." He said.

You groaned before leaving the office. You head to the gym and saw the male players are already there, also the coach that your grandfather was talking about. Kuroo noticed you and there's a smirk crept on his face.

"Ahah~ I guess you're the new manager?" Nekomata asked you.

You groaned before nodding your head and introduced yourself. He chuckled then he patted your shoulder, before leaving you with bunch of boys. He said that he have some important business to tend to but he will later on talk to you.

"Oho! I guess this year would be fun." Kuroo said with a teasing yet annoying tone.

He leaned closer to your face, "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, the captain and middle blocker of this team. Please, take care of us~!"

You shove his face away, "I'm [lastname] [name]." You said.

Kuroo smile, "Finally, I got your name." He said.

"You're my classmate, right?" Kenma asked.

You looked at him, "Ah yeah." You responded and the others introduced theirselves to you as well.

To be honest, you feel sort of happy because they seemed nice more than you thought.

"Kuroo talks a lot about you!" Yaku said then he chuckled, "Specially the time that you pulled him inside of the storage room with you!"

"I did not! Just ignore him, [Name]-san." Kuroo said before walking away in embarrassment and you just shrugged your shoulders.

𝐦𝐬. 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 ; kuroo tetsurouWhere stories live. Discover now