Hi I'm new here, I'm Eliza, I'm 12 years old and in year 6 I have the weirdest, caring, funniest friends EVER. I have a 18 year old sister she is the best sister u could ask for.
If u don't like the sound of my life then u can leave if u want. Those who are still here let's keep going.I'm a BIG fangirl, swimmer, dancer, nerd, and more. I have ships and OTPS aaaahhh sorry anyway I take care of the people I love and make sure they are ok, I would like to name some that have had a great impacted on my life.
Paris~I have known her since I was born, she is like my sister, we have sooooooooo many memories together❤️
Moni~I have known her since preschool I also dance with her, we do duos together we are such a get team❤️
Ender~I have known her since we were 5, we fangirl together everyone gets so scared of us when we fangirl its funny but I have great memories with this beauty❤️
Kaitlyn~I have known her since kindergarten, she is the kindest person I now but don't get on her bad side❤️
That's only 4 of the people I have soooooooo many more but they are the most important to my heart, yes they are all a little crazy and weird but I love them they are weird and crazy like me😝I have come junior and senior girl campion 5 years in a row and love to dance, dancing is my world, once I'm dancing nothing else but the floor and me exist💖
Well that's my life yes a bit boring but if you were me u would understand how awesome my life is❤️💖
Yes it's weird and crazy but I like it that way😝😆I love all my friends not just those 4 I love them all they are what keeps me going💖
About me and my life
Short StoryThis is going to be about my life, friends, family and that. But if you don't want to know then stop now if you do want to know the keep on reading