chapter two

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I rushed back to my newly purchased apartment that night, surviving the tenacity of the outside storm. I just moved into the apartment, which cost a mere starting price of around fifteen thousand. When you're a Cabello, you don't have to worry about money.

Of course, when I promised my parents I would move out, they made me also promise that I would live with someone else.

"Where have you been?!" Dinah, my best friend since my preteen years, asked.

I ducked as she threw a pillow in my direction, which I skillfully caught and placed back on the other side of the couch.

Dinah laid in the living room, eating a bag of freshly made popcorn and watching television. Gossip magazines were sprawled out onto the floor.

"Long enough for you to clean up after yourself." I teased. "Damn, Dinah. You have one day off and this is what you do?"

Dinah is a back up vocalist for up and coming R&B artists. She also sings at local venues, giving her enough money to pay the bills.

I've always envied people who've had to work for things in their life, because it's something I never really got to do. I don't like that being the first thing people know about me, either. I'm only human, and that's what always irked me growing up.

"Well, I don't usually get days off, Mila." Dinah told me. "Wanna watch a film before you go to bed?"

"Sure," I smiled.

Dinah went to the spare room, coming back with the disc in her hand. She inserted the disc, and walked into the kitchen to refill the popcorn bowl.

"I think I have a...y'know." I remarked, as Dinah suddenly came out with an extra bowl.

"What do you mean?" She asked, clearly clueless.

"You know what I mean." I said, watching Dinah's face go from confused to a sudden realization.

"So...who's the guy?" She gasped. "No! Who's the girl?"

"How do you know it's a girl?" I laughed.

"We've passed TONS of cute guys in this city, and yet you've always had your head buried in a book." Dinah had a point.

"...She works at an independent book store." I revealed.

"The Book Nook? The small one on Fulton?" I nodded.

"Of course you would." Dinah chuckled. "The first place you would go after we got situated would obviously be there."

Dinah would always tease me about me being a bibliophile, mostly because there was always a book in my purse and how I read books as if I was devouring them.

"I didn't expect to see her, though!" Camila thought out loud. "It looked kind of empty in there when I went. How come more people don't know about it?"

"Maybe people do, but none of them were crazy enough to go out in a rainstorm." Dinah joked, as the movie begun playing.

The night was filled with popcorn, Elle Woods, and the occasional impromptu ice cream sundae. Dinah and I had an amazing friendship where we could have fun with whatever we had at hand. I could tell her anything, and if she needed me to critique something new she's written I was more than happy to give feedback.

"That was an incredible movie, but I'm going to head to bed." Dinah got up, walking to the kitchen.

I checked my phone. It was Y/N.

"I was quite enchanted to meet you today, Camila." It read, leaving a small smile on my face.

"Who ya texting?" Dinah asked. "Oh, is that her?!"

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