•let's start with something sweet•

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" When you fall in love,

it's not just her you fall in love with.

It's her scent that wafts around you

like a warm blanket

when she's near.

Her soft, smooth hands that seem to fit just right

with your own,

rough, calloused ones.

Her silky strands as you run your fingers through her hair,

as you hold her close,

breathe her in.

It's her laughter that lingers in the air

and buzzes in your ear.

Her warmth that spreads through you like

it's melting your hard heart.

Her smile that is slow, and knowing, and shy all at the same time

as she looks at only you.

When you fall in love,

it's not just her you fall in love with.

It's her. "

-and there's no turning back from there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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