Ch. 1) Whatever works.

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The year of 1960, sunshine and ray of moonlights, we were the youth of tomorrow, we were suppose to be the hope of future, but all I could see is bunch of phonies, pretending to be someone else.

The so call adult want us to be the model citizens of tomorrow but what they don't know is they themselves are nothing more than bunch of cheating, liar, scumbags.

All of this people are bunch of phonies, they are basically the opposite of good. Bunch of assholes, I dare not stay here for more than 5 minutes, there is a high probability I might get cancer from looking at all this phoney smiles, again, bunch of hypocrites.

I walk out of the shit hole high school party of mine, the same party where Mark is lusting over Jane, Jane is hiding her feelings for Alisa, Alisa is dating Mark, John is flirting with 5 girls at once, 5 girls are ignoring John at once, so basically everyone is getting some except me.
not that I am complainingly, maybe a little, heck I wouldn't mine some action from a hooker, if my broke ass could afford one.

So where was I, oh yeah as I was saying...... Literally, Fucking hypocrites.

Meet my fucking broke ass, My ass name is Mr. Ass, say hi to everyone Mr. Ass.

I stroll through the night feeling like I am freaking batman except without the tights that is, I would have actually make a great Batman if it weren't for my awkward posture and my sublime facial hair.

I like the silence of the night, no one is there to bother me, to tell me how to act, how to walk, how to talk, basically I am the king of my own world.

The other think is that basically no one mock me to use the word basically, I just like the word basically, to say it over and over again until something magical happens and my life became well, basic.

I return to my dorm room, if I said it looked little dark and little creepy that would be and understatement It basically looked like a hunted building from some haunted movie you watch while peeing your pants.

I walk slowly toward it, no matter how much tough I act, I am still a scary cat, it was seriously very dark.

I could make out a ghostly figure in the dark. First I thought it was my imagination but has much has I was coming close to it there was much higher chance of me peeing my pants

"Is that you, Rye, you asshole," fuck!, this his much worst that a ghost.

At this point I am actually hoping it turn out to be a ghost and not that bastard Mike.

But I am wrong ultimately..

"Yeah, it's me, sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I will just head upstairs," I said that and I tried to run upstair as fast as I can without waiting for a response from Mr. bastard.

"Wait right there, you bloody...." He was getting up to grab me or some shit like that but instead stumble on the floor

I won't say I am one of those people who get happy in other peoples misery but boy was I glad that happened.

"Mike Buddy I would be happy to whoop your sorry ass but it seems you are doing that quite well without me," for the first time I felt proud.

"What did you said," Mike mutter out almost like an arrogant toddler.

"I said your mother is a.............quite sensible lady, you asshole," the last part I blurted under my breath.

I headed upstart while leaving the bastard all by himself

Mike and I have quite a long history, all the way back to middle school. I don't want to bore you with details. We are basically eternal enemies.

I plop on my ugly single and boring bed, just like me.

I want to crawl into someone arm, I want to hold someone face and just keep staring into their eye's.

BUT REALITY ISN'T A FANTASY. It's a Alfred Hitchcock movie.

life is a bitch. It slaps you on face when you least expect it.

There I was staring at the rooftop contemplating where did it all gone wrong, where, I swear I was a happy kid, growing up in Brooklyn, I wish I could say that I had an abusive parents but that wasn't the case, in fact they where quite nice, nothing over the top.

I remembered this one distinct memory when I was small maybe a 7 or 8, I was at my grandparents countryside home, It was blazing heat so I thought about why not drop my feet's in the water and relax, so I went near the river lower myself and has I was dropping my feet in the water, I slipped into the river because of the muddy ground, duh, did I tell you guys I cannot swim, Oh right I forgot to tell you guys, I cannot fucking swim.

I was drowning in the water and heat was shining on my face, rays of light passing through the waters and reaching to me, it was surreal at the same time horrifying, I tried to go up but couldn't, it was like the water was pushing me down trying to gulp me in, I reached a point where I couldn't breath anymore, my lungs were filling with water at that point I just realized I was going to die.

I blink my eyes once, twice, thrice and the fourth time when I blink I saw an angel with Red hair wearing almost nothing, well not nothing, she was in a swim suit, she had worried expression and I was awestruck with her beauty, but couldn't make out her face,  she swim towards me and grabbed me tightly, if this was heaven then I don't mind If I die also.

She was swimming upwards towards the land with me in her arms, I swear to god I have never felt so alive, even tho I was going into cardiac arrest.

She carried me out of the water and laid me on the ground and came on top of me. Suddenly she put her mouth on my mouth and started mouthing me.

Or kissing me. They are basically the same.

I was half unconscious but I could still smell her breath, it was warm, sweet and little minty but who am I to complain.

After what seems like eternity, she parted her lips from mine.

I couldn't see her face but I could still remember her kiss, her smooth and soft lips, her not so smelly breath. She was gone before I could even say hi, I don't know what happen after that.

The last thing I remembered I was is my grandparents house, my parents were beside me and my sister was over me trying to wake me up by slapping my face. That 4 year old brat.

Anyway let's forget the sappy old back story

If I have to drawn again to get a kiss from that girl I will do it, heck I would even do it now also but I am too tired to even get up and pee also.

You know the dreaded feeling in your stomach when you don't get what you want, well I got the same exact feeling for 7 years continuously since I met her.


The only other person I am quite fond of is my dear sister Maggie, I love her from all my heart, she is smaller like real small, I mean she is like half of me size.

One very cute thing about my sister is when she lies she will never look into your eyes and will try to look anywhere but your eyes and her cheeks becomes pink, real pink. She will tug her dress whenever she gets uncomfortable and when you get to know her you will realise she is the worlds best person.

I am blinking too fast for my liking, either I am going to die or just falling asleep, either of those too.


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