Ch. 3) Peak of human evolution

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"Uh, I, you, what, What are you doing here," I was mumbling like hell.

"I want to ask you the same question," OK, now I officially hate her.

And by her I mean, Alisa.

I was angry, worried, confused
and also scared that she may kill me or something like that.

"Rye, let me ask you again, what the hell are you doing here," What am I doing here, it's my fucking den, I am the fucking king of this place, for god sake I practically own this place, I have this land on my name, no not literally but you get the idea.

"I, I, I...don't need to tell you that, your not my mother," or my father for that matter.

"OK, fair enough, I will just tell the teacher then, that a student was bunking school and spending his time in the middle of the forest, doing god knows what," you cannot blackmail me, no one can, not even JFK.

"Oh really, you don't have the balls to do that," technically she didn't.

"We will see then," that thwart Alisa, seriously I want to murder her, only if we were in a jungle or something, wait a minute!.

That thwart started walking toward the school, little thwart.

I got up and ran toward her, standing face to face with her, I wouldn't lie she is actually terrifying.

"Wait, just wait a minute, well I am not the only one here am I, you are also here, what are gonna say when she ask why the hell you where also bunking," good one rye, I just got her trapped in box, haha.

"Uh, I will tell her that I came here Because I saw you bunking the class, easy-peasy," fucking lemon-squeezy.

OK I will admit, she is smart, Damn she is smart.

"And you think she will believe you"

"The last time I check, I was the hall monitor and you where, let me think, oh yeah the awkward weird boy," that was fucking uncalled for, now I am angry.

"Listen, you"

"I am listening"

"Why cannot you just drop it, leave me alone, I never did anything wrong to you, please I am begging you "

"OK, whatever you say," she was now smiling devilishly, something is wrong, something is wrong for sure.

"Just like that"

"Yeah just like that, if," there is always a if, isn't it, "you tell me what where you doing here."

What was I doing here? good question but Even I also don't know the answer.

"I guess, I just, I just...had a hectic day so I just came here to relax," good job making that up, rye.

"OK" seriously, she just believe that, even my grandma could tell that was a lie and she cannot even hear properly.

Alisa walked up to the river bank and just dropped on the ground on her back.

"Excuse me but aren't you going, I don't leave or something" that murder though is again crawling back into my mind


Breath, Breath, Breath, no don't do something you will regret later, calm, stay calm, I am calm, and I just want to calmly murder her....
breath, breath.

"Why the sudden change of plan I may ask," hell yeah, sarcasm was my specialty.

"This place is so beautiful," yeah it is until your phony ass ruined it.

"If you don't mind can you please leave, It's my place"

"I don't see your name here and anyway the last time I check this place was a public property" I hate it when she is right.

"If You don't go, I will leave then even tho I have rare disease and this is the only place I feel happy," guilt tripping always works, always.

"Fine then, bye," bitch, sorry for the language but she is really being a bitch right now.

"Just like that,"

"Just like that" that was her only reply

I started walking out of the forest, I could have fight with her more but it's no use, She ruin my mood and my utopia and also my mood.

There this song call, I want to hold your hand, by the Beatles, the lyrics goes something like this,

Oh yeah I tell you somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand

I love that song, anyway has I was exiting the beautiful forest, I had to duck behind some tree because Mike was just in front of me, literally just 10 centimetres difference.

"Are you sure he went this way," No, Mike, he didn't went this way. Just leave the poor kid alone you asshole.

"Yes, I am 100% sure," My dear Jim replied.

"So let's wait outside then, the cowardly shithead gonna came out eventually," you wanna bet.

"Why cannot we just go in the forest and beat the shithead where no one can see us," that's just a worst idea don't you think so.

"First) you don't get to call him shithead, only I can. Second) this forest already looks so creepy, in no way in hell I am going in there.

"As you say," I don't know about Mike but I am sure as hell gonna whip Jim's ass.

You know what I could tolerate Alisa bossing me around but I am not gonna walkout from this forest while this two wait there to kill me.

I just my course of direction and walked toward the Lake, wow take about Déjà vu. After a while I reached my favorite spot.

I just walked up to Alisa, her eyes were close and for minute she looked like a cute baby and not her usual bitchy self.

I just went there and lay beside her and closed my eyes. The air was suddenly pleasant, the sunlight was warm and it's weird but I think I can even see the sun even tho my eyes are close.

"So wonderboy weren't you suppose to leave by now"

OK, forget about your respect man and suck it up to her.

"Well I suppose so but I think I changed my mind and anyway I own this place.

"No you don't"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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