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Ana had simply been drinking her usual afternoon tea, resting after a day's work. With one of her beloved pet birds, a sun conure by the name of Carnelian, on her shoulder, she sipped her tea in complete utter silence. She rarely got any of it, especially with all the chattering and chirping birds that resided with her and her daughter.
That was, until her phone began to ring. Her conure quickly began to chatter and chirp, alerted by the sudden noise that was coming from his owner's pocket. She hushed the bird as quickly as she could, then dug into her pocket to fish out her phone.
Strange. Her daughter's school was calling her, which didn't make very much sense. As far she as she knew, there weren't any big events or bad weather for the school to come and bother her about. Though, she currently couldn't see outside so maybe it was raining or something. She highly doubted that, but it was just one of the possibilities.
"Hello," she answered in a thick Arabic accent, picking up her teacup to have another sip. She might as well try her best to enjoy her afternoon tea time.
"Ah, yes. Ms. Amari, thank you for answering so quickly," came the voice on the other end. The tone of whoever it was on the other end did not give her any more hints as to what they were calling about; they talked in a calm and collected tone.
"My phone was handy. Anyway, what are you calling me about?"
When they told her, she nearly spit out her tea.

Ana swore she had never driven as fast in her life. She really tried her best to stay at least near the speed limit, however that seemed to be near impossible. She wasn't sure exactly what she was feeling right now; though she did know she had plenty of questions and currently not enough answers. She had literally dashed to the car, so Carnelian was forced to come along. He was currently rather confused as to what was going on, but he settled down on her shoulder none of the less.  Good thing her daughter always forgot to bring in the bird's harnesses after bringing them somewhere. Hopefully the school wouldn't mind her little conure.
The woman marched into the school once arriving, bird in tow. She didn't have far to walk; it was just to the office. The secretary quickly let her in and then lead her to the principal's office. On the way, she passed a few other kids who either were waiting for their turn or just coming to the office to get something. Most just eyeballed her bird, who was just sitting on her shoulder like a perfect little bird. If only he did that all the time.
The secretary stopped at a nice wood door, simply titled Principal's Office, and knocked. A few chairs lined the wall next to the door, with other students who were in serious enough trouble to be sent here sat. Two in particular were whispering with each other, obviously glancing and talking about Ana.
"I think she's Fareeha mom. Who else could she be?" One whispered rather loudly, glancing over to the other. "Fareeha? Why would she be down here? She's never done anything bad, like, ever," the other whispered back, now looking at Ana. "What? You didn't hear what happened?"
"Right this way, Ms.Amari," the secretary's voice quickly covered up the two other student's whispering. Ana quickly nodded and went into the room, a little disappointed about not getting to hear what the two were going to say. Sure, she'd eventually hear it from Fareeha but... She wanted to know the answers now.

The room was dimly light and looked just kind of like a principal's office out of movie. Everything was neat and orderly and seemed taken well care of. A nice computer desk sat in the middle with two chairs in front of it and one chair behind it. Many different things were on the desk, though they were all something that you'd expect to find on a principal's desk. Really, the only thing misplaced out of the entire things in the room was that Fareeha sat in one of those two chairs.
The young girl obviously was nervous and a little frightened like a dog that knew it had did something wrong. If the principal hadn't been sitting across from her, Ana would not of been surprised if she let out a few whimpers. She sat a little slumped over, however she kept her hands neatly in her lap. She had a few cuts on her face that hadn't been there this morning and a rather nasty bruise on her cheek. Her usually straight and combed hair was now a little ruffled with a few strands going in odd directions. Ana only glanced down at her daughter's clothes; they seemed fine with only little speckles of red here and there. This was not the Fareeha Ana was use to seeing.
However, there was... Something offsetting about the fear that Fareeha was obviously in. It wasn't about... The fear of being punished because she was already being and should expect the same from her mother. It was... Something else. Ana could not put her finger on it just yet.
As the door opened, Fareeha had looked up. She seemed more surprised that Carnelian was here more than anything; though she quickly pieced together why and almost slumped over even more. She was quiet for a moment before opening her mouth to say something. The first thing that came out of her mouth was,
"Mom, before you get mad, please let me explain–"
"Fareeha, you're okay" was the first thing to come out of Ana's mouth. Relief quickly came over her as she looked over her daughter. Any injury seemed minor and Fareeha's current demeanor was to be expected. Her daughter was okay, and that was the first question Ana had wanted to be answered.
"Yeah, I'm fine but I need to explain-"
"Save it; I'm sure I'll find out here in a moment," she quickly interrupted her before taking a seat in the chair next to Fareeha. The principal had been quiet this whole time, oddly enough, but now it seemed like he wanted to speak. Carnelian just sat on Ana's shoulder, staring at Fareeha as if he was trying to decide if he knew this person or not.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Ms. Amari. I believe the secretary already gave you some idea as to what happened, but I will go kind of more in depth," he finally began.
"Yes, please do," Ana replied.
He paused for a moment before beginning again, "It seems that it was first a peaceful argument that took a wrong turn and got violent. It happened sometime during lunch, and one of teachers watching the students had to break it up. However, it seems that she was too late and the two had already hurt each other. Neither of them will state what it was over, and I'm not going to force them to either. Again, we believe it was a peaceful argument that got violent. The other student sustained more injuries, as Fareeha was the one to strike first and is a lot stronger than the other student. Mainly bruises for the other; Fareeha only has the cuts just because the attacker happened to be wearing a few rings. However, I will have to suspend both of them for five days due to the incident. This is the least amount of punishment I can give them both. It is a shame that this happened; Fareeha is one of our best students, after all. Not sure why she completely did this either."
Ana processed everything for a moments, staying quiet during this time. A few more of her questions were now answered, however probably not the one that she would really like to know. Though Ana would get it out of Fareeha; she was quite sure of it.
"Very well. I shall be taking her home then."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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