Day 3

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"What do you want now?"Silence asked closing the door. "Not you, Charlie is needed for this."Slenderman said softly. Silence took a seat and went quiet, a few seconds later he looked up. "Hello sir, long time no see how are you?"a soft quiet voice asked. "I'm doing good Charlie, I have a job for you."Slenderman explained amusement in his voice.Charlie nodded his head and became serious. "I need you to go and meet somebody, they don't know this side of you guys so you should be safe, stay away from main roads and you know the rest."Slenderman whispered handing a file to Charlie. "Won't let you down sir!"Charlie chirped walking out. Charlie stumbled down the halls to his/Silence's room, he opened the door and laid on the bed. "That was sooner than I imagined!"Jean laughed. "Hey sis, don't mind me I'm just here to change."he muttered getting up. He reached into his dresser and pulled out a black and white flannel, he looked over his shoulder and noticed Jean wasn't looking so he pulled the torn shirt off. "Stripping in front of me now?Jean asked a smile on her face. Charlie shook his head at his sister. "I'll be back."he muttered as he buttoned up his shirt.
        Charlie strolled through ally's and back roads silently muttering to himself.
"You must be Charlie."a man said leaning against a wall. "That's my name, I am here to hear your request."Charlie responded forcing a smile. The man smiled to himself as he debated what he wanted, he'd shake or nod his head every now and then until he stopped and looked at Charlie,"I want this girl." Charlie looked at the picture on the mans phone and swallowed. "Why do you want this girl, there's other girls out there?"Charlie questioned. "She killed my wife in front of me, while her accomplice beat me to an inch of my life."the man said sternly. Charlie nodded and walked off deciding what to do.
Charlie gently closed the door and looked at the figure curled up in his bed. "That man won't have his way, so don't you worry because your brother will handle it." Charlie whispered covering Jean up. "Charlie, it's a job we can't disobey."Silence warned. "She's our sister, she followed us here because we asked her to, it's our fault she's wanted dead."Charlie muttered anger in his voice. "I can't argue with that, and I'm known for disobeying orders." Silence sighed. Jean twitched letting out a mutter, "don't leave me." Charlie looked at her and smiled before grabbing the tools of his trade. "Now we are behaving like a proper stray!"Silence laughed. Then they left.
"Back so soon, did you get cold feet about handling a girl!?"the man scoffed. A crooked smile stretched across Silence's face," I remember how boring it was to play with you, no fight in ya!" The man stared at him in the sudden change of personality,"what happened to respecting your employer, and what's this talk of playing with me?" "That girl's accomplice, do you know who he was, of course not, but he left a pretty message on your chest!"Silence laughed ripping off the man's shirt. "Who are you, what happened to Charlie?"the man asked sternly. Silence tapped his head,"he's still in here, we'll talk later."Silence said knocking the man down. He shoved a rag in his face and allowed the man to struggle until he went limp.

"Rise and shine ugly!"Silence cheered kicking the chair. "Hmm...what, where am I!?"the man demanded. "Welcome to my office."Silence chuckled lining up different items. "John is your name, you had a beautiful wife, sadly she laid her hand on my dear little sister, so we went and settled the score, first I tied her down then you came home so I beat you down and made you watch my beloved sister stab your wife a total of fifty times, you began to cry so I told you to smile but you didn't listen, so I took my knife and carved it into your chest so that you wouldn't forget to smile." The man began to tremble as he remembered the figure who beat him to an inch of his life. "You did that, that girl was y-your sister who I wanted d-dead?"John stammered realizing his fate was sealed. "Don't worry John, I won't be as mean as my sister was, I'll let you enjoy the pain."Silence muttered, blood lust showing in his eyes. "Please don't, I promise I won't say a word, please!"John pleaded as Silence waved a hand over the tray. "Don't worry John, I'm not as scary as the sane."Silence insured grabbing a scalpel. "H-how so?"John asked fear taking over. "You sane people are more unpredictable than me, with me you at least know I'll either kill you or make you my drinking buddy, but you sane people are always plotting something against others, you don't let someone know you hate them you just keep that to yourself, me though, I show it."Silence explained dragging the scalpel across John's skin. John flinched and twisted as Silence slowly cut him. Silence tossed the scalpel back on the tray when he finished, and headed towards a speaker on a shelf. "Would you like to hear Mozart, Beethoven, Bock, or something more heavy?"Silence asked scrolling through his computer. "Nothing."John muttered. "Broken already, you are a boring subject, that's fine though guess I'll just pick one, Mozart sounds good about now."Silence sighed, playing a song. "Now let us clean those cuts all over your body!"Silence chuckled grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol. He undid the lid and proceeded to pour out the liquid causing John to jerk around. "Guess you're not that boring, how about bleach then, we've got lemon and linen scented, how about lemon."Silence muttered to himself. He began dumping the bleach on John, causing him to scream in pain. "You think your the only one who lost someone precious, wrong, my precious person was shot by a sane person like you, well I guess you're broken since you're already talking to yourself!"Silence laughed grabbing a large cleaver. He chopped off John's hands allowing the blood the splash on him. "Stop!"John screamed as Silence lined the blade up with his neck. "No can do."Silence muttered decapitating him. Blood oozed from the neck some squirting out onto the walls. "Time to clean up."Charlie muttered. Silence dragged the body out of the shed and into the yard where he poured gasoline on it, and dropped a match as he went back to the shed.

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