Not Again - Chapter 32

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Amanda: if u don't turn down that speaker in two seconds I'm going to start a war

Alicia: you wouldn't

Amanda: I would

Alicia: but I'm vulnerable

Amanda: turn off the darn speaker Alicia

Alicia: maybe if you asked nicely

Amanda: I'm not going to ask nicely

Alicia: were in the same room

Amanda: and I'm right beside you

Alicia: all this time?

Alicia: I thought you went home

Amanda: haha cause I'd go home at 2 a.m.

Alicia: go sleep in Adam's room, he's at Nathan's house ATM

Amanda: his room is messy and you're the worst best friend ever

Amanda: I'm going to get a bat and beat you till your black and blue

Alicia: The assaulter never tells how they plan to assault

Amanda: the point is I'm going to hurt you

Alicia: you my friend, is a fake assaulter

Amanda: ...

Alicia: where is your license? It is being confiscated

Amanda: I'll be you a donut on Monday

Alicia: we have a good deal

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