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Ray Pov
I been thinking about taking yn away because if i kill prince then his dudes will. Come after me and i dont want that

Ray- bae
Yn-dont call me that

Ray- would u ever leave miami

Yn-idk why u ask

Ray- because i want a family by u and for it to just be us jacob

Yn- look i care about u alot and i would love to be with someone who won't put my life in danger

Ray- i love u

Yn- i love u to but im in love with jacob
And unless be dose something to completely break my heart then i will run to you

Ray- fine then....go to jacob since your in love with him (pissed😤) bye(opens door)

Yn- really ray u know if i leave then i could possibly get killed right 😞😞

Ray- i dont care if u die or not

Yn- 😟😦😭😢 I hate you ray (crying)

Runs out the door and go to prince house

Knocks on door

Prince- omg come in side

Sits on couch

Prince- what happend why u crying
Yn-(tells him everything)
Prince-(holds you tight)its alright i love u ill look after u and protect you tell me if that milk dud lookin lizard come over here ill get him jumped


They go to sleep

Next day

Yn pov
I woke up to the smell of chocolate and walked downstairs to see prince cooking chocolate chip pancakes

Yn- hey baby
Yn-are those for me(points to pancakes)

Prince-yes boo u know they are

Knock at door

Yn-(opens the door) what do u want ray

Ray-to talk i apologize for saying that stuff and i really do love u its just u saying u love prince hurt

Yn-idc u said "i dont care if u die or not"
Ray-i was mad dont let my words get to u alright

Prince-what do u want
Ray-look i dont want no problem i just want yn to come back so i can protect her (looks at yn)

Yn-idk i think im good here i mean im in love with jacob

Ray-but u said "i love u" to me the other day

Prince-man this is like some twilight shit yn who do u love me or him

Yn-.....u obviously...ray im sorry can u leave

Ray- fine ill go 😞😞

Ray leave

Prince-wanna watch a movie

During the movie a brick flew through the window causing you to scream

Prince-shhh has a note
Yn-read it

Prince-.. Dear prince
Get rid of the girl or we will do it our self in know u dont wanna come Home to her dead body soon then get rid of her. ...p.s tell her i said hello.       BOSS

Yn-baby im scared(crying)
Prince-its okay ima keep u safe no matter what it takes alright....even if that means u staying with ray

Prince-i love u there not gonna kill u...get some rest

They fall asleep but prince cryed his self to sleep he dont know if he can keep yn safe for to long

Thx for reading and i will start updating more commet and follow

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