Chapter 6

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~1 month later~
Camila's POV:

It's been one week since I quit my job as a dog walker. After the audition a month ago, I was pretty sure I would be on Broadway. I was expecting a phone call very soon. It's October 31st (Halloween morning), 10:27. I know I'm 20 but I still get excited for Halloween. Lauren, Ally, Normani, Dinah, and I are dressing up as bees. But we didn't want to look like little kids so we tried to make our outfit look grown up. (As grown up as a 20 year old woman in a bee costume gets.) So we are all wearing black leggings with a yellow crop top (I'm probably going to freeze my ass of with a crop top but I don't care) and those little headband thingys that make you look like a bee.

"Morning babe." Lauren said while rubbing her eyes.
"Morning Lo."
I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"That's all I get?"
"Ok fine." I said with a little smirk.
I wrapped my arms around her and gave her the kiss she wanted. And frankly that was the kiss I wanted too, didn't want to be too overwhelming first thing in the morning.
"That's better."

"Lauren your so cute. What do you want me to make you for breakfast?"
"I'll have an egg but I'll make it. You don't need to make it for me."
"Babe, you need to eat more. What did Dr. Parker tell you? You are so freaking beautiful and I just wish you knew that." I sighed.
Lauren has been going to therapy for about a week because of her depression and her eating disorder
"Okay..Th...thanks." She managed to get out before a tear escaped from her eye.
I walked up to her and wiped the tear from her cheek.

"Two eggs." I said, trying to compromise with her needs.
"Fine." She said and sighed in defeat.
"Lo, were in this together."
"I love you Camila."
"I love you too baby." I said.

Sometimes I worry about Lauren. Some days she seems perfectly fine but I can never tell if she was telling the truth or not. And other days she was just not herself.

After we finished breakfast I did the dishes while Lauren was getting ready. I went to our bedroom and got dressed. Lauren was done getting ready because she was on the bed watching Glee. We started watching it a week or so ago and immediately became obsessed.

"Babe, what time are Ally, Dinah, and Mani coming?" I asked.
"I think 5:00."
I was interrupted by the sound of my phone. I walked over to it and gasped!
"Camz who is it?"
"Oh my God it's Bill!!"
"Answer it Camz!!!"
Okay Camila... Breathe.
I picked up my phone and answered it.
"Hello? Yes this is she...Okay...Okay... Really?..No I don't think it will be a problem sir...Okay...Thank you...Bye."
"Well?? What did he say?"
"I got the part!!!"
"Omg!!! Babe I'm so proud of you!!"
I ran to her and gave her a big kiss.

"There is going to be a lot of rehearsals so I will have to move to New York City."
"What do you mean I? Your just leaving me here? I can't be alone!!"
"Babe calm down. I didn't say we were moving because I didn't want to pressure you. And if you wouldn't go then neither would I. Of course we're going together!"

"Camz, you scared the crap out of me! I thought you were just going to abandon me!"
"Why would I do that? You are the most important person in my life. I wouldn't to that to you."
"Okay. I'm sorry I overreacted."
"It's okay, you don't need to apologize."

"When would we be leaving for New York?" Lauren asked.
"November 15th."
"Wow that's soon. Okay."
"Is that too early?"
"No I'm fine with that I just wasn't expecting it to be this soon."

"Okay. Move over babe I wanna watch Glee too."
"Oh, okay. Sorry babe."
"It's okay. Come here."
I sat on the bed and lied down adjacent to her body. I then felt her soft lips pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around her slender body. I looked up at her and smiled.
After we finished the episode we took a short nap. We were awaken by the sound of the doorbell. I stretched, rubbed my eyes, and made my way to the door. I opened it and saw Dinah, Mani, and Ally with bags and pillows.
"Hola mijas!!" Ally exclaimed in enthusiasm while grabbing all four girls into a group hug.
"Hey how are y'all?" Lauren asked.
"Good!" Ally said.
"Great now that I'm with my four favorite girls." Dinah said.
"I'm fantastic thanks Lo." Mani said.

Lauren's POV:

"Did you guys bring your costumes for the party?" I asked.
There is going to be a huge party at my friend Lucy's place and we're all going.
"Yea." The three girls all said at the same time.
They all looked at each other surprised and started laughing.

"When do think we should put on our costumes and do our makeup?" Mani asked.
"I think soon, the party starts at 7:00 and the sooner the better." Camila said.
"I think we should start now because God knows how long we'll take."
"I totally agree Mani." Ally said.
We all walked into the bathroom and got changed. We didn't mind getting dressed in front of each other because we've been best friends since 8th grade.
Except for me.

I am probably the most self conscious person you will ever meet so I get a little anxious when I'm in front of someone naked.
"Mija what's wrong?" Ally asked concerned while pulling up her black leggings.
I didn't realize that my uncomfortableness was showing.
"That's bullshit Lauren."
"Don't cry Lauren please, I hate seeing you like this." Ally said sympathetically.
I didn't even realize I was crying until she pointed it out. She wiped a tear from my face.
I hate this. I hate knowing that people worry about me. I feel like such a burden.

"I'm sorry." I said with a sigh.
"There is no need to be sorry mija. But you need to know you're not alone. Everyone goes through hard times. Lauren, I'm constantly being made fun of because of my height. What you're going through is temporary, what I'm going through is permanent. You're not alone baby I promise."
"Thanks Ally. You are the best friend I could ever ask for."
"Thanks Lo."

By the time the short conversation was over, me and all the girls were done putting on our outfits. I haven't even noticed how the girls and I looked because I was distracted by the conversation. I actually didn't feel fat in my costume which was surprising. Everyone looked really great in their costumes. But Camila.... Wow Camila... She looks stunning. The crop top shows off her toned stomach and the leggings looked perfect on her. The leggings really extenuated her hot ass.

"Lauren." Mani whispered. "You're staring at her."
"Thanks for snapping me out of it. She just looks really hot."
"No problem. I'm straight but I can still tell why you fell in love with her."
"I didn't fall in love with her just because of her sexiness. But it was a pretty good bonus."
"Smooth Lauren.. Now let's put on our makeup!"

We all did our makeup the same. We used a little concealer and foundation, some mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick.
Then we all straightened our hair.
I had to say we all looked pretty decent.

"Okay girls lets party!!" Camila yelled.
Frankly I was quite shocked because she was never much of a party animal.
"Wohoo!" Normani yelled.
We all ran out of the apartment and hopped into Mani's car. Mani revved up the engine signaling that we were going. She then put the shift into drive and drove out of the driveway and into the dark night.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the sixth chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. There's going to be more drama coming up so be prepared! Love y'all!


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