Snow White's Fractured Fairytale

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8:24pm. March 13. Patient name- Selina Whitman. Patient checked into Whisperwood Asylum two days ago. Patient diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Whitman has shown signs of hallucinations, and approximately seven split personalities. Patient only becomes aggressive when receiving medication from Nurse Vera.

Sighing heavily I removed the thin glasses from my face. The new patient Ms. Whitman would prove to be a challenging case. Today when receiving her medication she continuously thrashed and yelled at Nurse Vera to stop giving her "poison". She is my patient now, and will receive the utmost care.
"Dr. Carling?" Startled slightly by the voice I turned to see a sheepish looking Nurse Vera in the doorway of my office.
"We're closing everything down for the night sir. Security has asked me to inform you that you need to leave the building soon." As she finished her message, Vera turned on her heel and began to make her rounds. Logging out of the system, I grabbed my briefcase and exited the asylum.

Selina Whitman
"Psst, Snow, Snow? It's time for you to wake up." My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the darling face of my dear Happy.
"What is it happy? Why have you woken me?" It was strange for Happy to greet me in the morning, he was more of an afternoon lover rather than morning.
"The Evil Queen is here Snow." he whispered to me. His tone dripping with concern. We all knew what this meant. Everyday when the Evil Queen came to my cottage she tried to give me poisonous treats that would make me forget my dearest friends. Knocking sounded from the door and I froze unsure of how to make her go away.
"I'll handle her for you Snow." Grumpy snarled, marching passed me as the door opened.
"Ms.Whitman, it's time for your medication."
"You can't make us take them!" Grumpy shouted, he was using my body again to help us. Grumpy knew I wouldn't be able to do anything. The Evil Queen looked frustrated as she called behind her for her henchmen. Two more people came into the room, one wrapped his arms around mine in a bear hug, while the other grabbed my jaw applying light pressure. Grumpy continued to scream at them through me, the rest of us sat silently watching.
When the Queen and her henchmen left, Grumpy came back looking upset as usual.
"I don't like it when she makes us take the poison." He said slouching down onto the floor of our cottage with his arms crossed.
"It'll be alright Grumpy, but you must calm down before you hurt yourself."Bashful replied gently. He was an expert at calming Grumpy down. Doc nodded in agreement, he wasn't much for words but he always took great care of us if we weren't feeling well.
The Evil Queen walked back into our cottage giving all of us a fright.
"Prince Charming wants to see you now." She said with a smirk and led us from the cottage. I felt a tug on my other hand and looked down seeing Happy.
"Yes, Happy?" I whispered in hopes that she wouldn't hear us.
"May I play on the outside today?"
"Of course you can." I smiled softly and let him take the Evil Queen's hand from my own. We soon came upon a smaller cottage and when we entered my most handsome Prince Charming was seated in a beautiful suit and looked dashing with his glasses on.
"This is Selina Whitman, Dr. Carling." The evil Queen said in a tone that was oddly chipper for somebody as vile as herself. I didn't know who this Selina girl was or Dr. Carling, but I did know that my Prince Charming was waiting for us. I could feel Happy's large grin stretch across my face and I just knew this would be a magical meeting.

September 26. 3:12pm
Patient Selina Whitman appears to be making progress with the provided medication. In our follow ups she reports less and less of seeing at least three of her personalities and has come to realise she is not in a cottage. Patient still refers to Nurse Vera as the Evil Queen and to myself as Prince Charming. Weekly evaluations will continue.
-Dr. Carling

Selina Whitman
It's been awhile since we've seen Sneezy, Dopey, and Sleepy. I wonder if they've gotten stuck in the mines. Doc says it's the poison beginning to work and it's making me forget. He thinks I'll forget them soon too. I know I won't. They're all a piece of me, they're my closest friends and I will always have them.
The Evil Queen still comes in the mornings and I've found it is easier to do as she says rather than let Grumpy handle her. She seems relieved by this as well. Charming insists I call him Dr. Carling but I don't like it. He also calls me Selina, I'm always reminding him that's not my name.
Doc asked me if he could take over today and play with the other people that lived near us. It's so nice to watch him take care of the others. I'm just concerned he is beginning to feel under the weather because now a days he comes out less and less.
When it's time to go back to our homes I walk in to see Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, and Doc sitting peacefully on my bed.
"Goodness it feels like it's been forever since we've all been together." I sighed wistfully and laid down stretching my frame along the floor.
"Well maybe if you'd stop the Evil Queen from feeding you her poison you'd be able to see all of us at once." Grumpy stated his tone lashing out at me.
"I'm sorry Grumpy, I don't, I'm not so sure it's poison. We've always said we would be honest and well the thing is what the Evil Queen gives me makes me feel better." I looked down playing with the hem of my baby blue dress.
"It's alright Snow, we just want to see you happy." Bashful said sincerely and got down from the bed to give me a hug. Doc nodded with him and went back to reading his story. Grumpy huffed and made his exit known as he slammed the door of our home.
"No worries Snow, he'll come back." Happy said lightening the mood for all of us.
By the end of the week Doc and Bashful had gone missing like the others. For some reason I just couldn't drag myself to miss them, instead I felt stronger now than I ever have. Happy and Grumpy are still by my side but Grumpy is getting more and more frustrated with how long the others have been gone. I've also noticed that the Evil Queen has disappeared. I've met a lovely girl named Vera and she helps me with anything I ask for. I smile knowing that something is going right for once and it feels great.

March 10. 2:30pm. It has been a full year since Selina Whitman was brought to Whisperwood Asylum. She has shown amazing progress with her medication. Patient reports less hallucinations at every meeting and is beginning to completely accept reality.
-Dr. Carling

Selina Whitman
It has been a full week since I've seen or heard from Grumpy. It's honestly refreshing to not have his negativity plaguing Happy and I. Vera and I have become close friends and Dr. Carling is impressed with my progress. He's explained what was happening in my head and why I was different. It makes me elated to know that while I no longer see the apparitions of my personality they are all within me, they just aren't pieces anymore.
Dr. Carling says that if I continue with my progress the way I have, I might just have a chance of seeing the real world. I can't wait for this day and I know Happy will be right by my side to make days appear brighter and longer, just as they should.

Fractured Fairytales: Snow White EditionWhere stories live. Discover now