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As I walked through the door, I hung my keys on the holder glued to the wall on the right and locked the door behind me. I let out a long sigh as I took off my long coat. It had been a long day and normally, I was home before Kian but groceries were of great importance. "Hello, my love!" I hear Kian yell from our studio. My dress shoes echoed throughout our loft as I walked to Kian.

"How could you possibly work on the same picture each day, Ki?" I ask him, admiring his painting while leaning on the doorframe. "I never fully finish it" He says, with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. With his dainty hands, he managed to always have such a soft stroke when using any brush.

"So concentrated, hm? How about you take a break, love?" I say as I bend down to rest my chin and place my hands on his shoulders. The only light illuminating the room was two large candles that smelt of fresh pine needles. "If you insist-" I cut him off with a swift kiss on the cheek before walking off into our bedroom.

I could hear him putting each brush into its designated place as always and closing the paints. His dress shoes echoed, like mine did, as he made his way to our bedroom. "How was your day?" He asked and walked to his side of the bed, the right.

"It was just fine. I got our groceries, found a new model for my next painting- Oh! I got the prettiest color of paint I have ever laid my eyes on. It's this- this pink iridescent, pearl-ish color. I will show you tomorrow"

"That's great, Justin. This paint, you make it sound so pretty. I can't wait to see it" He whispered. "Why are we whispering?" I said in the quietest volume I could. He slid his underwear off and slipped into the covers, next to me. Kian turned to face me, and laid on his right side.

"Why not, love?" He said back. "I'm not sure" I let out a laugh before Kian placed his fingers onto my lips. "Shh" He whispered. His index finger and middle finger moved from my lips to underneath my chin. His hand held my face as he softly pulled me closer with his right hand. His lips lightly brushed against my forehead.

"So beautiful" He said while staring at my face and running a hand through my brown curls. I shut my eyes, loving that he was playing with my hair like he had the previous night, with a slight smile plastered on my face. I could feel his stare was heavy, but comfortable.

"Your parents- They are the most magnificent artists for making you, a true piece of art" He whispered into my ear. "Do not lie, Kian"

"I'm not lying, Justin. I truly mean it" He whispered back. His leg slid over mine and he straddled my waist. The bottom half of my legs were still covered in blankets. He bent down, kissing me hungrily yet still at the same time, softly.

"I love you" Kian repeated, while kissing my stomach and his lips making their way down to my waist.

the american girl | jian (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now